Chapter 22

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The minute he was free, he met you in his office. Shutting the door, he sent you a look, combing a hand through his hair with laughter.

"You do know how to make an entrance." Alexander commented. You smile.

"In my defense they did start it." He took a seat next to you, taking your hands.

"I've managed to convince the Council that you're not a threat, but not everyone will be happy with this. Others may come after you."

"I'll be ready, don't worry about me."

It was impossible for him not to worry. Alexander lifted your hands, pressing a kiss to your fingertips. He pulled back, taking in the way your gaze ran over him.

"What would you say if I were to take a position in Portland. " The shock on your face must have been comical by the way he smiled.

"I decided that I wanted to run this Council better than De Groot did. If possible, violence will not be our first response to every decision. For centuries we've been ruled by our olds ways, it's no wonder that so much hate has bled into this world. "

You understand that more than anyone.

"My vision is to create a safe space for all. Not contribute to the world's bloodshed. Luckily I have managed to get a lot of ministers to back my plans. We'll be reinstating offices through the nations to help, rebuild and protect. Upon choosing positions, I decided that Portland would be the best fit for me. I have the most experience with both you and Burhardt."

You could feel tears prickling at the corner of your eyes.

"I'd also like to be closer to you." He confessed.

"What do you think?"

You didn't need to answer. Jumping forward, you wrapped your hands around his neck. Alexander's laugh increased when you began laying kisses all over his face.

"I'll take that as a yes." He stated smugly as he kissed you.

Truthfully, you both should stop right here. You've already made a pretty decent impression on his colleagues. That is more than enough scandal for your trip. But when you pull away, you swallow. Alexander's eyes are glowing.

"Watching you take down those illiterate men was quite a spectacle."

You hold in a quiver.

"I-I should get back."

It was easy putting on a show, but teasing Alexander outright wasn't the smartest decision. After your little incident in the car that day, you can't seem to forget how good it felt to have him lose control.

"When does your flight leave?" He whispers.


He smirks.

"Then that's more than enough time, don't you agree?"

He leaves a kiss and your eyes close as you sigh. You don't fully realize what he's doing until he slowly spins you around, still leaving kisses on your skin. Your hands brace on his desk, and it's then that your brain catches up.

Your eyes open slowly, and his face is buried into your shoulder, hand running down your thigh.

"That day in your vehicle was torture for me, I'm merely repaying the favor. Do you realize how frustrating it is to have you so near and then watch you disappear each time. It's almost maddening." You bite back a moan. His hand is dangerously close to where you need it most.

"I-It wasn't intentional." You defend.

You really wish he'd just flip you over and take you on the desk.

He chuckles, and you can hear the slight deepening of his tone when you feel the fur tickle the back of your neck. You whimper, because he keeps you pinned in that position when you try to turn around and initiate more.

"Unfortunately, I am a gentleman. I will not resort the first time we make love to somewhere as mediocre as my desk. We'll have plenty of opportunities to defile my desk after."

He growls against your skin, and when his teeth lightly sink into your shoulder, you're surprised by the moan that leaves your lips. He pulls back to soothe the mark that he's created, licking the spot. There's a small trail of blood that trickles down, and you try to even your breathing. Your legs are shaking. It was a miracle you hadn't buckled right there and then.

"You are mine. Do you understand that? No one else can have you."

His possessive words don't do much to settle your arousal. How did he expect you to jump on a plane tomorrow after this? You finally understand what he meant.

All you can truly do is nod helplessly.


Your trip back to Portland was pretty quiet. Of course you had to fill in your friends on what happened.

"You didn't!"

Nodding, Rosalee laughed as you told of your journey to see the Wesen Council. Monroe sipped at his beer.

"Well, I'm sure they won't be sending anyone else after you. That's a guarantee."

"Pretty sure they got the message," Nick imputed. Adalind smiles.

"Have you and Alexander figured out what you are?" Nick asks. He's been wondering for a while. The way your face lit up is not something that any of them missed.

"I believe this might actually work between us." You sound so hopeful, and Rosalee gives your hand a little squeeze.

"Well, I'm going to retire for the night. Alexander is supposed to come back tomorrow. So I'll be meeting him at the airport."

Grabbing your coat, you bid them goodbye as you make your way home. It's been an eventful two weeks that's for sure. Thinking back to your first meeting, you can't say that you really saw this coming. He'd been so guarded, so were you. The both of you were opposites, yet you'd found each other. You couldn't be happier. Pulling into your driveway, you're a little confused at the car that is already parked there. When you step out, you tilt your head. Making your way to the door you open it.

There's a key placed on the table. You recognize the little charm attached to it.

Alexander stands from his seat on your couch.

"I was under the impression that you would prefer I use the key you provided rather than break in." He smiles.

"I thought you were coming in tomorrow."

"I decided to take an earlier flight. I hope that's okay."

You mirror his smile, walking over.

"Of course it is." You reach for him, and he returns the embrace.

"I've missed you."

His words make you giggle.

"It's only been about a week."

"Too long is my opinion." He leaves a kiss on your cheek. Then another on your neck. Your hands slide down his shoulders, and he growls.

"You smell like cinnamon." He comments.

"I was just at Rosalee's shop. " You explain. He inhales, like he's trying to memorize it.

"It must have been a long trip, would you like to take a shower?"

He nods, loosening his hold.

"I would love to. " You leave another kiss on his cheeks as you move to get him some items to change. He stops you before you can get very far. You turn, watching him expectantly.

"(Y/N), I have no idea what will transpire, but I want you to know that I do desire a future with you. A future for us."

His confession tugs at your heart, and you send a warm smile.

"I..I want a future with you too Alexander."

You never truly thought you could have one. You'd be very careful at keeping yourself at a distance from others. Who would have thought that you'd fall for an assassin of all people.

Life truly was unpredictable. 

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