Chapter 3

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There's a soft knock at your door, and you're already heading to answer it. The male behind it smiles at you.

"Wish this were under better circumstances." You reach over, giving him a hug which he returns.

"I'm glad you're here Nick." He pulls back, studying you.

"Don't worry, he's not exactly in the best shape." You shut the door, guiding him up the stairs.

"I found him in my bathroom last night rummaging through my cabinets. I stitched up his wound. He should still be sleeping."

When you get to the door, you open it. He looks a lot less dangerous when he's asleep.

"Did you get any sleep last night?"

You shook your head at Nick's question.

"Spent the night cleaning his blood off my floor. Couldn't really sleep either. I came in a couple times to make sure he was fine. His vitals were pretty strong, but you can never be too sure. He took a beating."

"You weren't scared he'd take you out in the night."

"I think we're friends. He wouldn't do that." Nick was used to your optimistic view on the world.

"I don't recall making such a statement." Alexander's eyes flicker open, and the glow is back. He snarls.

"I suppose it was stupid of me to trust that you really meant no harm."

You roll your eyes.

"Calm down, I told you if I wouldn't hurt you, didn't I?"

"Forgive me if I fail to trust the words of a Grimm."

"That's rich coming from you. Didn't you try to kill me?"

"That was the council. I tried to advise De Groot against such actions, but he was adamant on removing you before you caused any further interference in our plans."

There's obviously a lot of bad blood between the both of them.

"I didn't come here to argue, I just need to make sure (Y/N)'s okay. I'm sure you've already heard the news about Black Claw."

"You may have cut off the head, but there are still a few who are willing to die for those beliefs. As soon as I've recovered I intend to remove the tail before another head decides to grow back."

"It'll take weeks for your wounds to heal, months for you to even start any kind of vigorous activity. You were shot Alexander. This isn't a sprained ankle or swollen hand. "

"I don't recall asking your permission. "

He stands, holding his side as he does. You can see the obvious pain on his face. All he manages is a step, and his body caves. You rush forward, grabbing him before his knees fully buckle. The sudden move makes him crash into you, and your body hits the bed, Alexander on top. You grunt at the impact, and he raises onto his elbows. He looks somewhat embarrassed.

"Listen, if you're so eager to die, then go again. Just make sure you're far from my home when it happens. The second you leave I'm no longer responsible for you."

You shove him roughly, and he rolls onto the bed with a pained sound. You don't stay to hear whatever he has to say, you just march out the door. Nick sends him a look.

"I don't understand. The idea of a Grimm helping our kind is..unusual." He could have been wrong, but he swore there was actual concern in your eyes.

"We're not all monsters like those stories portray."

He should have known that by now. There were two chances, Nick could have killed him at any time. Especially after the hit the council placed on him.

"I'm going to be keeping an eye on you. I'm not going to stop you, because I agree with you. It would be bad if Black Claw were to return. But for the time being, you should focus on healing. "

Nick turns to leave.


He stops at the door.

"Thank you."

Nick shakes his head.

"I'm not the one you should be thanking."

He leaves, shutting the door. 

Alexander (Grimm)Where stories live. Discover now