Chapter 12

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"Dr. (L/N), you have a call."

You move to the desk with a smile, nodding at the nurse.

"(Y/N) speaking."

"I hope I haven't caught you at a bad time." You immediately recognize the voice.


It's been a few weeks. You knew he'd be busy with rebuilding an entire organization basically from scratch. The verification that he's okay brings a wash of relief.

"It's good to hear your voice Alexander."

"Yours as well."

He sounds good. Not out of breath running from some psycho, or nursing an injury.

"Is everything okay, have there been any attacks?"

"Everything is fine. I have been taking meetings with the ministers to assign another head to the Council."

His name is surely high on that list. You twirl the pen in your hand.

"I have to admit that this call is more personal than professional."

You grip the pen.

"If I'm being quite honest, I'm having a hard time getting you out of my head."

His tone sounds a bit lower, and you try to direct your focus on something. You need to keep your reply steady. But when you open your mouth, nothing comes out. He knows that you haven't hung up the phone, and he chuckles.

"Forgive me, maybe that was too forward."

Your eyes move to your feet, still giving no reply. You don't know what to say.

"I'm sorry for taking up your time. It was great hearing your voice again (Y/N)."

The dial tone rings, and you lower the phone slowly, placing it down. Sliding the pen into your coat pocket, you walk away, disappointed at how badly you'd handled that call. For the last three weeks you've been praying for some sort of communication from him. Yet when he does, you can't even respond properly. He didn't even sound upset. If anything there's a bit of understanding.

Rather than dwell on it, you busy yourself. Because if you think about it any longer, it'll drive you crazy.

"Dr. (L/N) we need you in OR 2."

"I'll be right there." You pace towards the room.


A few hours of some very sad cases, and you're scrubbing out.

"Good work today." Your colleague commends.

When you started this job, more often than not you'd end up sitting in your car going over the people you lost. The profession came with a toll. It's impossible to save everyone. You've been around death all your life. That's why you thought you'd be fully equipped to handle this. But it was different. Causing pain and trying to stop it was very different.

Drying your hands, you nod as you begin to take your leave.

You clutch your car keys when you're out of the building, looking down at your phone.

"No messages."

You aren't really surprised.

Admitting your feelings to Nick didn't feel this stressful. So what didn't you just tell Alexander you'd been thinking about him too. That you'd been dying for him to just call you. Speak with you. Be with you.

No, telling him that would surely open up doors that you aren't sure you're ready to go through.

At least not yet.

Alexander (Grimm)Where stories live. Discover now