Chapter 45 Letters from Home

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Just before my baby girl was born I was called up to fight in the war known as Desert Storm. I didn't want to go and leave my wife Alice and our children and our friends and my dear mother behind but I had no choice. I had to fight for our country.

This is a letter that I got from my mother.

Dear son.
I hope that this letter finds you well. It has been dry but they are calling for rain. Everything is the same old same here Fort Sumner. Your stubborn old daddy hasn't too much but he sends his love. I hold it up and show my buddies and we all laugh like our boots ain't muddy and we ain't scared. Think that it is funny the that I talk when I say momma sends her best y'all. I pick up my gun and get back to work it is going waiting on letters from home.

This is a letter that I got from my wife Alice.

My dearest love.

I miss you so much you now have a new born baby girl. I saw your momma and I show her the baby. I know that it is late but I couldn't sleep. The man on the news said somethings so I couldn't sleep. This is me holding you and this me kissing you xs and os. I hold it up and show my buddies and we all laugh like our boots ain't muddy and we ain't scared. They think that it is funny cause she calls me honey but they take it hard cause I don't read the good parts. I pick up my gun and get back to work it keeps us going waiting on letters from home.

This is a letter from my father.

Dear son
I know that I ain't said much. sitting alone in the kitchen tonight it occurs to me I know that I might not have said it. so I am going to say it now son you make me proud. I hold it up and show my buddies but no one laughs cause ain't nothing funny when a soldier cries. and I wipe my eyes I pick up my gun and get back to work it keeps us going waiting on letters from home.

 and I wipe my eyes I pick up my gun and get back to work it keeps us going waiting on letters from home

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This is a picture of my baby girl.

this is a picture of my wife Alice and my baby girl

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this is a picture of my wife Alice and my baby girl

Paul and his family met my new born baby girl the day that she was born. The fighting keeps going. None of us knows when we will be coming home and we don't know if we will come home alive from the war known as Desert Storm.

This is a letter from my oldest daughter Liz.

Dear papa.
I miss you so much. I wish that the war known as Desert Storm was over. I hear scary things in the news about the war known as Desert Storm. I pray to God that you come home alive. I hold it up and show my buddies and we all laugh like our boots ain't muddy and we ain't scared think that it is funny the way that I talk when I say my daughter Liz sends her best y'all I pick up my gun and get back to work it keeps us going on waiting on letters from home

I was shot down by Pat Garrett in 1881 and I come back to life in 2023Where stories live. Discover now