Chapter 15 Alone and Abandoned

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I sit alone by myself and by my grave at the graveyard at Fort Sumner. Since I have came back to life in this modern time and world. I have felt alone and abandoned. Inside of me my heart is braking. I miss the old west the past so much.

I know that there are a lot of people who says that I am bad. But they have never walked in my boots and stood and watched with helpless hands while the heart inside them dies.

As the tinman from the wizard of oz said now I know I have a heart cause it's braking. My heart is already broken so it can't brake anymore.

But I am very wrong about that because it is braking even more as I sit here. With the memories of the past running through my head.

These are from two of my favorite Hank Williams Sr songs. But I am going to add my own style to them.

The first scene is that of sheriff Pat Garrett who had lost all of his money playing so he draws his dead friend's ring from his finger the one that he gave Billy long ago on his birthday it is his last earthly treasure but he stakes it then he bows his head so his shame he might hide. But when they lifted his head they found that he was dead it is just a picture from life's other side.

You have never walked in that man's boots or saw things through his eyes or stood and watched with helpless hands while the heart inside you dies so help your brother along the road no matter where he starts think but for the grace of God it would be you instead of him these men with broken hearts.

I was shot down by Pat Garrett in 1881 and I come back to life in 2023Where stories live. Discover now