Chapter 27 My family and friends helps me get through the pain

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The next week's are hard on me. I am so very weak I don't have the strength to get out of bed. My whole body hurts badly I am not able to keep anything down. My body is small I am not very big or tall. I need to show my wife Alice and daughter Elizabeth and friend Paul something. I haven't heard from them.

I try to get out of bed without any help or without using a wheelchair. But I fall to the floor because I am too weak to stand up. I don't know if anyone heard me fall.

I lay there for a while trying to catch my breath. I hear a knock on the front door and voice say Billy little casino this is Pat big casino are you at home?

I don't answer back I just lay where I fell. I hear Pat say Billy I am coming in to check on you. I still don't say anything.

Pat unlocks the door and comes into the house and goes upstairs to mine and Alice's room and finds me laying on the floor where I fell when I tried to get out of bed.

Last week Pat and Doc had found me in the graveyard at Fort Sumner trying to dig up my grave with my bare hands. That is how they knew that something was very wrong with me.

I had damaged my hands badly trying to dig up my grave. That Doc had to wrap them up in bandages until they healed up.

But they are worried about me. I don't like being so helpless. But there is nothing that I can do about it right now

If and when anything happens to me. Or I should go to be with Jesus one day. These poems I want said when I am laid to rest.

We met it seems such a short time ago you looked at me needing me so and I found out that I needed you too and yet from your sadness our happiness grew I remember how we used to play I recall those rainy days and the fire's glow that kept us warm and now I find that we're both alone goodbye may seem like the end and farewell is like forever but in my heart is a memory and there you'll always be.

Remember me with smiles and laughter because that is how I will remember you but if you have to remember me with tears then don't remember me at all

I was shot down by Pat Garrett in 1881 and I come back to life in 2023Where stories live. Discover now