Chapter 23 The day that I got badly hurt riding a Bull that no man could ride

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I was doing great at bull riding today. But something had went terribly wrong. I was bucked off of the bull before I could get up and move out of the way the bull came charging towards me. I tried to move out of his way but I wasn't fast enough. the bull had hooked his horns into my side and threw me up into the air.

I hit the ground hard getting knocked unconscious. My breathing was very weak. Doc work for Justin sports medicine. They come running to help me.

I was rushed to the hospital I lay there in a coma Doc called Alice and told her that I had been badly hurt. He didn't know if I was going to make it through the night. It was very touch and go at that time.

Doc had found some pictures of me. One was of me when I was a child. And the other one was of me when I came to live with Mr Tunstall

 And the other one was of me when I came to live with Mr Tunstall

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This is me when I was eight years old.

This is me when I was three years old

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This is me when I was three years old

This is me when I came to live with Mr Tunstall

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This is me when I came to live with Mr Tunstall.

Four days later I came out of my coma. Alice was sitting by my bedside when I woke up. I could tell that she had been crying. I looked at her and smiled. She smiled back at me

I was shot down by Pat Garrett in 1881 and I come back to life in 2023Where stories live. Discover now