Chapter 34 My favorite classic movie actor is teaching my acting Class

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Today when I walked into my acting class I got the surprise of my life. My favorite actor  Lon Chaney Jr was teaching my acting class. I couldn't believe my eyes. I have enjoyed watching him play the wolfman ever since I came back to life in this modern time and world. I listened to everything that he said about acting. I am very excited and nervous because tomorrow my class is doing our own wolfman movie and I play Larry Talbot.

After class I took my family camping and we met Harry the bigfoot and he followed us home from our camping trip and made himself our protector. I wish that my sweet angel and beautiful wife Alice could make Harry a Wattpad account but she doesn't have to unless she wants to.

 I wish that my sweet angel and beautiful wife Alice could make Harry a Wattpad account but she doesn't have to unless she wants to

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This is my acting teacher and my all time favorite actor Lon Chaney Jr. He is very nice unlike professor Hickok. His dad is Lon Chaney Sr he was a great silent movie actor. He has went to be with Jesus now

I was shot down by Pat Garrett in 1881 and I come back to life in 2023Where stories live. Discover now