Chapter 38

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He left me

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He left me.

Tripp left me.

Those three words make me shudder inside because I didn't want him to leave. I know why he had to but damn. He left me wanting more.

This can't be over.

We exchanged our true feelings for each other, agreeing that we want each other again. We didn't have to say a word. We understood each other through our actions; how we touched each other, how our organs went into overdrive, how everything around us became blurred. We were focused on each other.


I come back from my little fantasy and I'm annoyed. Here we are, listening to Davin say something about our marriage and making all these empty promises again.

I was expecting for him to still be with Kyra so Tripp could've stuck around with me. No sex, of course, but a ton of cuddling and possible kissing. Oh, his kisses are magical and unforgettable. Those, alone, make my heart race. With every fiber of my being, I will-

"Did you hear what I said?" Davin asks, interrupting me again.

Honestly, I'm too tired to even remember but I nod as if I did.

As I yawn, he continues with "Alright, babe. That thing with Kyra was nothing. She was lying on me, trying to trap ya man. But I know what I got at home and I'm not trying to let you go. It was just a one-time thing. Okay?"

I nod again, yawning at what he just said. All of it has no meaning behind it and he's already proven that he doesn't mean that so I could care less.

"When we get home, we'll go back to our regular lives and be tight again."

My eyes furrow at the thought of going back home with him. Who wants to go through what I've been going through? I didn't want to do it the first time. What makes him think that I want to do it again?

"Yeah, there's no way in hell that we're going back home as husband and wife. We may go back as separated, until we figure this divorce thing out, but not married."

I have a plethora of reasons. I've already had to deal with his ex-wife, his disrespectful son, and now new girl's bullshit when it came to Tripp. Now, he wants me to fight her just to keep him around? Yeah, she can keep his sleazy ass.

Not to mention, I refuse to go back to a life of depression, pleading for his attention, and fighting a battle that's not even needed. The snow bunnies and famous reality tv stars win.

I don't want to be ignored or feel like I'm not important.

I never thought about this but I was putting my pain into drops of alcohol and waterfalls of longs showers everyday. There's no point.

"Journee, don't be playing with me. Things will be better. I can do what you whatever you want me to and be there for you. Plus, do you really want to do this to the kids?"

All To Me (18+) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now