Chapter 11

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"You happy now, J? You got your wish

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"You happy now, J? You got your wish."

"Davin, you and I both know that Angie isn't going for all that foolishness. It was for the best."

"Woah, best for Nicky or best for you and Noah? Because Nicky would've been just fine in Angie's care."

That's easy for Davin to say. Angie barely knows Nick and, from what she does know of him, she wouldn't dare let that rude kid step foot in her yard. She doesn't like how he treats Noah and I don't either. Who knows what that kid would do to Noah? They need a break from each other.

Noah and Nick used to be best friends, loving each other like brothers should. Now, they're at odds, as if they were oil and water.

"How dare you just invite him to Angie's house like that? She barely knows Nick. Plus, what would his mom think about him being at a stranger's house?"

"What she doesn't know won't hurt her. Admit it, J."

"Admit what, Davin? No, matter of fact, why don't you admit it, Davin. Admit that you've been doing some shiesty shit lately. 'What she doesn't know won't hurt her'? What do I not know, Davin? What have you been doing that I don't know about-"

"NO, JOURNEE! That's not what we're talking about. Admit that you don't like my son because he's got a different mom. Really, you just admitted that you're jealous of his mom-"

"Jealous? JEALOUS, DAVIN?! Seriously? Who can really be jealous of that bitch?"

We're arguing back and forth while on our way to drop off Noah and Nyla at Angie's house. We just dropped Nick off back with his mom and, of course, she starts complaining about things that Nick had a problem with while with us.

"Do you hear yourself right now? Excuse me for fucking around with somebody else and having a child with them. Nicky is my son and deserves way more respect than you and Noah have been giving him-"

"Don't throw Noah into this. Your child, that came from Satan's asshole, has a problem showing respect. He doesn't struggle with receiving it. In fact, Noah shows him so much respect and love-"

"Says the one who's child wears my child's underwear. That's nasty as shit, Journee and you know that!"

"Because somebody has no problems picking up the finest underwear for his child but gives mine hand-me-downs and shit. Don't worry. I got Noah and Nyla. It's all good."

"Just like you 'had' Tripp ten years ago? Yeah, I'm definitely gonna trust you when it comes down to boys and men."

"I got you, didn't I?"

"Yeah, and you're about to lose me just like you lost that crap job that knocked you up ten years ago."

I hear a gasp in the back and my eyes turn to see Noah with his hands over his mouth. His eyes are watery as he looks between the both of us.

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