Chapter Four

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A grown ass man should never cry over another grown man taking care of his kid

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A grown ass man should never cry over another grown man taking care of his kid...

But here I go.

I step inside, feeling like shit. Nose leaking of mucus, eyes all puffy, and my body's weak....

All over another man taking care my first boy, my first kid, MY child.

Guess that guilt hits hard as time goes on. No matter how you try to flip it, it's sick as hell and the worst feeling in the world.

Do I want everybody else to know that though?


I don't even feel like talking to her but if I didn't say anything to her, she'd keep pestering me and I ain't got time for that either.

My eyes catch Kyra sitting on the couch, waiting patiently in a peach-colored jumpsuit with her light brown hair covering her shoulders. Of course, she's dressed up around all these damn cameras, playing it up for the audience.

"Cut the cameras now! My husband's not well and I don't want people to see him looking like this." She rushes over to me and grabs a box of tissues.

As the crew ensures that all the cameras are off, Kyra's wiping my face with the tissues and studying my face. I get a whiff of her scent and she smells so good, like a bunch of fresh Georgia peaches.

"What's wrong, babe? You look sick. Lance, can you grab my medication box from my makeup room, please?" She says as the raging fire in my heart grows.

That damn 'makeup' room is supposed to be a guest room for when our friends or family comes over. Instead, she turns it into her own personal paradise when she wants to be left alone. There's two other rooms and they're for her family when they come over, especially her sisters.

"I'm cool, babe, but what's with the cameras? When I texted you, I meant no cameras." I sniffle as the director walks up to us, mid-conversation.

Standing there confused, I turn my head to him as he says his stupid shit.

"Kyra, this is actually gold. He comes home from a late night out 'with the guys' while you wonder where he's at? You both get into it before he starts crying and begging for you to forgive him? Then we leave it at a cliffhanger? That's perfect! Play it up. This is good."

Fuck all that. I ain't putting on a show and looking even more stupid than I already look. The shower's calling for me anyway. Let Kyra talk to the director.

I ain't playing up shit. For what? I don't need Kyra's permission to go anywhere or do anything. So, why would I be crying over that?

There are just some things that I have to accept. It's getting hard to get used to, hard to think about. But these things also happen for a reason.

I wasn't meant to be in that boy's life for a reason. Dude taking care of him for a reason. Who am I to stop God's work?

But how the fuck did she expect me to not worry about that guy?

All To Me (18+) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now