Chapter One

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It's that time of the year again

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It's that time of the year again.

That time of the year where everybody's supposed to be outside, half naked on their hot girl summer shit, sipping on margaritas and daiquiris by a nice pool or the ocean.

But who's gonna do all that in 103-degree weather? These days run way too long and it's too hot to be walking around and doing everything. I'm shocked I'm able to get out and run errands.

It's hard being a married woman and a mom of three kids. I could be a hot girl this summer but there's a lot to do. There's not enough time for me to be a hot girl anymore.

Davin and I can barely keep up with the kids. Between football, soccer games, and ballet recitals, I barely have time for myself or Davin.

Marriage is not easy, especially if both of you are working. Davin and I also travel for work so we definitely don't have time to spend together. And we both have high sex drives? This work schedule is not meant for people like us. Everything is fast-paced.

I'm overjoyed to even have lunch with Cass today. She had to literally drag me away from my office and put me in her car.

Our magazine is growing so much. Since it's went from local to national, I've been working my ass off so much that I can't even leave the office. It's mostly working with sponsors for the magazine and helping our journalist with their articles. When I'm not in my own office, I'm walking outside of it. We have the best staff; they are the glue that keeps the magazine together.

I say all that to say business is booming.

"Ain't it amazing how fast the company is growing? We're starting to get B-list celebs on the magazine and everybody wants to partner with us. I'm ready for the next raise in my pay. Speaking that into existence."

Cass and I chuckle as we relax at a nice sit-down restaurant that was close by the office. It's beautiful with its household plants, chalk-board walls, and single light bulbs hang from the large glass ceiling. The natural light exposes the earthy tones that decorate the dining area.

"Wow. I'm so glad you decided to come and eat lunch with me. For a moment, I thought you forgot about me." Cassidy jokes as she takes a sip of her drink.

"Well, you trade places with me and take on all these meetings and shit. Tell me how much you like it when you get used to the job. I'm sure you won't be able to take a bathroom break until everything is done."

She rolls her eyes and takes another sip of her mimosa. I feel a little pity in my stomach so I continue.

"Cass, that's what happens when you work hard and keep going. You elevate and become better. Sometimes, we get lost in the momentum."

"Well, yeah, but that doesn't mean you have to forget about your friends, J. Remember that we helped you get to the top, boss lady. You know what? It's about time we have a girls' night out or something."

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