Chapter Seven

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There's only three days left until this Hawaii trip and the one of the things I had to do, before leaving, is talk to Dad

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There's only three days left until this Hawaii trip and the one of the things I had to do, before leaving, is talk to Dad.

I expect for him to find somebody else to help him around the place because Davin should be present while on the trip. The last time we went somewhere together, Dad called Davin back home and we had to cut our time away short. I want my husband's attention on me.

I walk into the building and look around. Dad's empire has grown so much since I was younger. He's went from two fitness centers with his offices on the top floors of the same building to four different fitness centers around the country. He still has the two fitness centers but they're moving soon.

As soon as I exit the elevator, I get the evillest glare from the receptionist. Jillian has had a problem with me since Davin began working at this office. You come up with the conclusion from there.

That glare goes away the closer I get to her.

"Mrs. Davenport! So nice to see you...again." Her teeth clench together on the last word before rolling her eyes and losing the fake ass smile.


"Now, how do you call me 'Mrs.' then use my maiden name? I gotta say, Jill, you're just a little slow. Catch up, baby."

She rolls her eyes and answers the phone as I wait around in the lobby.

Before we go any further, I don't show up here often. Davin and I keep our distance and stay in our lanes. Jill just hates seeing my face or hearing about me through Davin or Dad. I don't know where that hatred comes from but y'all know God don't like ugly.

But I'm afraid Davin might. All that's on my mind is how Jill could be his work wife. I believe Davin's got a thing for somebody around here and he's always been into dust bun-

I mean, snow bunnies.

Hell, he married one and had an obnoxious child with her. Just like her, he acts like he has no home training.

Anyway, I hope it's not the case but it wouldn't be surprising if it was true.

As soon as Jillian hangs up the phone, Dad glides down the stairs in his best dressed. All dressed up for a lovely dinner date or a gala with his expensive, clean-cut black suit on.

"You look so sharp and dapper. Who are you trying to impress, Mr. Davenport?" I compliment as he does a short walk with swagger.

It's embarrassing as hell but it's one of the ways he won my mom over. I miss that woman so much but I choose not to think about her so much. I have my reasons.

"Look, J, I gotta look good for myself and for the ladies. Ya daddy may be old but he still got it!"

I don't even want to know what he's got but if whatever he's got makes him happy, let him have it. That glowing smile on his face, that lean in his walk, the style change, and everything. He's moving so happily and I love to see it.

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