Chapter 24

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This ain't no joke

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This ain't no joke.

It ain't fun nor funny.

I can't get a wink of sleep ever since last night.

Why can't I fucking sleep? There's nothing wrong.

Kyra and I had a lovely, romantic evening after the dinner cruise but my eyes would not shut.

Could it be because I wanted more? Nah, because we were both tired last night after going a few rounds. Kyra was knocked out.

Closing my eyes didn't help. Sleep was nowhere to be found. I was better off keeping my eyes open.

I've been up since 10 yesterday morning. Going to the gym didn't work and neither did melatonin.

What the hell is my problem?

I'm hanging out at the island in the suite, scrolling through Instagram to keep me busy. I'm hoping that Kyra will wake up soon so we can do something.

We didn't have anything planned but I want to surprise her with a special day. Maybe we can go shopping or scuba diving. Then again, I forgot she has to work today.

Speaking of working, I need to look for a new job. It's been a long time since I was convinced to stop working. It was nice being the stay-at-home dad for a minute but if there's one thing my Pops instilled in me, it's work.

It's in our family's veins and I enjoy providing for my family, even though Kyra's clearly the breadwinner.

Maybe I could go back into the engineering business.

Nah, because that means Mom and Dad will be traveling and we'd have to hire a nanny. I trust no one with our child. I barely trust her own mother with her.

Guess I'll have to work from home.

I'm still scrolling through different posts and ads about health substitutes that are supposed to help you look good. You know how those ads are. They show somebody that's overweight, show product, then that person loses over 50 pounds within the next transition. It's crazy and dangerous.

Amongst all those posts, I find a carousel of pictures with Darian and Ryker from the past two days in Hawaii. Darian captions it a 'photo dump'.

I chuckle as I look through the picture carousel because he pushes this narrative that being a simp is wrong.

Look at him now; all over Darian like lotion.

Good for him, honestly. He needs love like that in his life. Maybe he'll chill out with every year they stay married. Before you know it, he'll be a lover boy like he calls me.

These pictures remind me of a conversation we had with the production team before we started shooting for this damn show.

We're not allowed to take pictures together and post them because it would throw the storyline off. Kyra and I believed it made no sense because paparazzi will catch us and blog about it.

That didn't seem to faze them so we had to agree that we couldn't post any pictures of each other. After a while, Kyra got used to the idea and her image so she deleted every picture of us on her page. She takes pictures of us every now and then but the internet never sees them.

I have a few of us on my page but it's been a while since I posted anything. In fact, I take this chance to look through my own page and see what's on there. Kyra's award party, Safari's 5th birthday, meeting up with Mom for first time in years, Isaiah's funeral, me and Noah for the-


I'm interested in these pictures and memories of this meeting soar through my head. I find a picture of me, Noah, and Journee. Before you know it, I'm hitting familiar territory.

10 years ago, Journee and her friends met us in Tampa and there's a picture of Journee and me by Oscara, a selfie from when we were on the beach, and a picture from when I won the poetry contest.

She was there and she was the one that supported that silly dream of mine; a dream that faded away once I married Kyra. I'm way too old to get back to that life. It's too late to chase that dream. I have no more words left in me, no more words to turn heads with, no more words to change lives.

All my words are spoken for me now. My pen's ran out of ink and I can't find the right pen to start writing on my own. It's as if my creative mind was taken away and smashed so I just gave up on that life. Reality caught up with me, I guess.

Anyway, I look over all these pictures and I'm about to delete them all until I remember last night.

Call it a distraction or whatever but there was something off about her and Bozo the Clown. She slapped him so hard then kissed him as if she was embarrassed for anybody to see her in that way.

At the same time, her eyes were on Kyra and me. She had tears in her eyes, watching as if she was so hurt. It felt like a call for help.

You could tell that their chemistry was off because who slaps their significant other then goes in for a kiss like they weren't fighting? It was all so abrupt.

How do you slap your partner with so much aggression then kiss him with that same amount of aggression? It's like there was no love involved in that kiss. She didn't kiss him the same way she used to...

Alright, I'm stepping into the wrong territory now.

But she calls herself happy. That makes no sense to me.

I wonder how Noah feels about this guy. What kind of relationship do they have? Now, I want to get down to the bottom of this.

"Baby, I need a little help..." Kyra's seductive tone pulls me away from my thoughts and I stand at attention.

She's playing with the knot around her robe, leaning against the entry way, and eyeing me with lustful intent. Damn it.

"Sure thing, babe. What you need me to do?" I gulp roughly as I watch her bite her lip.

" the shower."

Guess this is part two of our romantic rendezvous.

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