she sings

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"You've got to be kidding Clem!" started Fleur when she spotted her little sister's hair.


"A week before the Eurovision? Really? You couldn't just wait for after the show like a normal human being!" Flo's voice grew louder as she spoke.

"I just cut my hair, that's not a big deal!" sighed the youngest Simonet sister.

"But it is! Please Clem for once in your life can't you think of the well-being of the band rather than exclusively of yourself?" yelled her the oldest.

Clem couldn't handle being yelled at by Flo anymore so she grabbed her phone and the card to her bedroom and left the room under the protests of her sisters. Making her way to the stairs, she decided to send a message to one of the people she knew would welcome her with open arms.


mind if i crash in your room for a while?

You know the way

Is everything alright?

just got yelled at by Flo

i'll tell you all when i join you

The band is here, hope you don't mind

no problem

Walking up the three flights of stairs that were separating her from the Slovenians, she quickly knocked on the door.

"Hey Clem..." Bojan's voice stopped when he spotted her new hair. "Wow, it looks amazing!" he smiled, touching the bottom of her hair just above her shoulders.

"You think?" she genuinely asked him, especially after her sisters' reactions.

"I swear ! Wait, is it why you got yelled at?"

"Yeah," she said before following him into the room.

"Wow Wow Wow! Oh my god, Clem! You look so good!" said Jan when she joined the rest of the band in the room. His comment was soon followed by the rest of the band complimenting her new haircut.


Bojan started to sing Zitti e Buoni by Maneskin while Jan was playing it on his acoustic guitar. Clem was watching him while whispering the lyrics she knew by heart. The singer quickly spotted the girl and walked up to her for her to stand up and sing with him.

Clem hated singing in front of people except for her closest friends. She didn't know why but instead of arguing silently with Bojan, she stood up and started to sing with him in the middle of the room while the rest of the band and Jere were filming.

Maybe it was because for once, she felt a little more herself around them rather than with her sisters with who she basically had to be silent and to listen to what they were saying. She felt like the members of Joker Out and Käärijä wouldn't judge her for anything, well they actually haven't since she met them. They allowed her to talk, to laugh and to have fun with them.

She joined him for the first chorus and while she expected to sing the second verse with Joker Out's singer, he stopped and let her do the fast part alone. She didn't lose composure and sang it without missing a single word or beat. The singer joined her again for the second chorus and they finished the song in perfect harmony.

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