Chapter Twenty Nine

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"Nobody can be uncheered with a balloon" - Winnie The Pooh


MY DREAMS became nightmares; the picture of my parents tied up to chairs as they're tortured for information. Asked for my whereabouts because without me dead they get nothing, but theres no way i will allow them to kill me. I punch Matt's mitt covered hand with force as the image of them slicing my fathers throat open pops into my head, i punch again this time thinking of how they hurt my mother. So much unkept anger was built up inside of me; i had fallen asleep whilst watching a movie with Penny and Jackson earlier today. I woke up drenched in sweat and apparently i had been yelling and kicking for a good ten minutes without them being able to wake me up. The first thing i said when i awoke was 'Matt' and Penny had to explain that was the name of my childhood dog to Jackson who died a horrible death and ever since i was a child i'd have nightmares about him.

After Jackson ensured i was okay he left and i got Penny to call Matt to pick me up because there was no capable way i was riding my bike to his tonight; within ten minutes he was there and i had never ran to a car so quickly. The feeling of safety wrapped around my body when i slid into his car, i had told him about my nightmare and he said he will take me somewhere before we head home. Cut to us at the same lake i had almost been thrown in when we had saw each other again, my heart swelled at the memory of him protecting me at that party.

He had bought equipment and we had been training for the last two hours until i was sick of looking at is beard, he was handsome don't get me wrong but it reminded me to much of my fathers. So we decided to leave now since it was getting to dark, i held onto his hand as we made our way through the forrest.

"So when are you going to leave me?" Matt asks, pulling my arm up as i trip over a stump, "Watch were you step sweetheart."

"What do you mean leave you? Are you still upset?" I ask, we were deep into a forrest that wasn't far from the campus and the craziest part about it was i wasn't at all terrified; if i was alone probably but with him i just felt zen.

He laughs, "No, i'm talking about the skills you have. I knew you would of had some sort of training but you damn nearly broke my hand back there."

"Oh," I chuckle as it clicks what he meant, "Sorry."

"At least i know if anything happened while i wasn't around you'd be able to protect yourself, you get those skills from your dad." He says, i watch my feet as i dodge holes, stumps and any sort of object i could trip over, "Sorry for bringing him up."

"No it's okay," I tell him, "Honestly i've mourned them and i know they wouldn't want me to continue to dwell on their deaths besides you know the whole i'm going to kill who did it."

He squeezes my hand, "Not unless i get to them first."

"You know the day i visited them and i found out about everything," I say, "My father and mother were very determined for me not to be with you, i know theres rivalries but i'm sure they would of warmed up to you eventually."

He smiles, "I doubt it, there's so much history of hate between our families but i'm sure they would of dealt with me for your sake."

I laugh, he was probably right; they were both certain that i shouldn't be with Matt. They would of eventually of just dealt with it, could you imagine the day i would of told them he proposed or if i got pregnant (which won't be happening for years if he decided to stay with me for long enough). We were about five minutes away from the car and a snap goes off in the distance between the trees and bushes, instinctively Matt pushes me behind his back and he pulls out his gun.

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