Chapter 23

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It is early in the morning. Dave is preparing tea in the kitchen. While Kurt is scribbling words in his journal at the dining room table.

The clock read 9:30AM.

Dave decided to strike up a conversation with his boyfriend. "So, baby? How'd you sleep last night?" He asks.

"Better when I'm held by you." Kurt responded. A smile resting on the blonds face as he shuts his journal closed.

He finished his, note.

"That's good! I slept well." Dave replied as he carried two glasses of tea over to the table.

"Here, honey." Dave says as he sets the tea cup in front of Kurt. He takes a seat next to Kurt.

"Oh, I see you have your journal.. any new song ideas?" Dave asks as he sips from his teacup.

Kurt shrugged his shoulders. Picking up his own and taking a small sip. He lied and said, "Somewhat of an idea."

"That's awesome! We already have three albums already. I'm so down for a fourth." Dave states happily as he sets his teacup down.

But a fourth album would never come..

"Yeah, me too.." Kurt responded. His voice sounded so, depressed. As if he wasn't even motivated for his band anymore.

"You okay?" Dave asks. Setting a hand onto Kurt's. Kurt nodded, lying through his teeth as he faked a smile to his lover. "Yeah, I'm fine."

"Okay! Good." Dave replied. Moving his hand off Kurt's. "sorry, babe. Just been concerned for you."

"Well I'm fine. I appreciate the kindness." Kurt answered back as he finished the rest of his tea.

Dave finished his as well. He takes the small teacups and stands. Taking them to the sink.

He begins to to do the dishes. Kurt went over and hugged Dave from behind. Watching him.

"Entertained?" Dave teased. Kurt giggled.

"Such a great show." Kurt sarcastically answered in reply.

The couple shared a laugh together.

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