Chapter 13

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March 1994
The couple have been together for a few weeks now. They got together on Valentine's Day in February.

And have been inseparable ever since.

"Babe?! Come help me with this painting would you?!" Kurt shouted from the top of the stairs.

"Yeah, I'm coming!" Dave hollered in response as he went up the stairs. "So what do you need help with?" He asks.

Kurt held the dried painting in his hands. It is a painting of a doll-like self portrait and his boyfriend - holding hands in a field of bright cherry red poppies.

"I need you to help me hang this on the top of our bed. Please?!" Kurt exclaimed as he held it to where he wanted it to go.

Dave couldn't help but smile. "Aww. Is that us?!" He exclaimed happily as he eyed the painting.

Kurt blushed. "It's suppose to represent us, yes." He responded back. Dave went over and kissed Kurt's cheek.

"It's cute, baby. I'll go get the hammer and nails and we can hang it up." Dave replied and ruffled Kurt's hair.

"Be back in a jiffy!" Dave exclaimed as he went down the stairs. After a few minutes - Dave returned with the desired objects.

Dave stood up on top of the bed with Kurt. Helping Kurt Cobain get his canvas painting hanged up.

Dave carefully nailed the painting to the wall. His dark eyebrows furrowed in focus and expressing the look of concentration.

Kurt is sitting on his knees on the bed. His head lifted upwards to watch his boyfriend hang up the painting.

"You're hot when you're concentrated." Kurt complimented with a little smirk on his lips.

Dave laughed it off as he went to the next nail to bang it in. "Thanks, babe." He responded.

"Oh give me a show!" Kurt swooned as he laid on his back. "Take off your shirt!"

Dave turned his head. Blushing as he rolled his eyes. "Oh alright!" He agreed. "But hold this up. I only have one nail in."

Kurt sits himself up. Standing on top of the bed with his love, he held the canvas in it's spot.

Dave slipped off his shirt. "I can't believe I'm doing this." He joked as he tossed it to the ground.

Kurt bit his lip as he kissed Dave's tattooed shoulder. "Now, I'm gonna hold you.." he shyly mumbled as he snaked his arms around Dave's waist.

"Okay, but don't move me too much. I have a hammer." Dave acknowledged to his boyfriend as he picked it back up.

Kurt laid his head onto Dave's shoulder. Hugging Dave from behind as he watched his boyfriend use the hammer to nail the painting on the wall.

Once it is nailed up, Dave placed the hammer on the nightstand. He span himself around and tackled his love down to the bed.

Kurt hollared in laughter as he landed on his back. His boyfriend on top of him.

"Hi!" Kurt squeaked as he grinned ear-to-ear. Dave hummed as he kissed Kurt's cheek. "Hi baby."

"You fell..on me! Oopsie." Kurt jokes as he snickered. Tucking his face into Dave's neck. Taking in the drummers scent.

"You're so cute." Dave mumbled as he pecked Kurt's cheek. "But we have to go to sleep early tonight."

A pout grew onto Kurt's lips. "What? I can't stay up all night and admire you?" He asks.

Dave rolled his eyes. "No, honey. We have a concert in a few days. We have to catch up our sleep."

Kurt knew in the back of his head. His time is coming to an end soon. His thoughts are winning, but he is trying is hardest to prevent them from attacking him.

But he is loosing the battle. And he knows this. Kurt forced a smile on his face. He leaned his head up and kissed Dave's lips.

"Oh right... I totally forgot that we had a concert." Kurt admitted. Dave lightly scoffed as he rolled off his boyfriend.

"What?! How! You planned it!" Dave exclaimed. Kurt shrugged his shoulders. "My mind is screwy from marijuana." He responded.

The couple make eye contact. In the back of their heads, they began to crave it.

"You wanna smoke some?" Dave asks. Already knowing what Kurt is thinking about.

Kurt nods. "Call Krist over here, we can all smoke together. Been awhile since we've seen him."

Dave nodded his head in agreement. "Yeah, I think he has a few ounces of the gush. He's been busy with his wife Shelli."

"Yeah, 'course he has. Does he know we're together?" Kurt asks as he gets off the bed.

Walking over to his dresser. Dave rolled over on the bed. Respecting Kurt's privacy as the blond is switching his jeans into PJ bottoms.

"I don't think so. We can tell him. I'll go down and give him a call on the landy." Dave replied as he springs up from the bed.

He went over and kissed Kurt's head. "Let's watch a movie downstairs?" He offered.

Kurt nodded his head in agreement and followed his boyfriend down the stairs.

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