Chapter 08

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Dave is shock. Happiness flooded his entire well being. His heart pounded happily against his ribcage.

His crush, frontman, and best friend - kissed him! Feeling all giddy, Dave wiggled his fists in a excited stim.

Excitedly, Dave trotted himself over to the living room. Picking up his shoes and slipping them on his socked feet.

In the bathroom upstairs,

Kurt finished his shower. He dried his hair and got dressed rather quickly. He didn't dare want to look at himself.

But it happened. Kurt's head slowly lifted up. Revealing the realities of how Kurt looks.

He got lost. Staring into the reflection of himself with a feeling of numbness rising onto his chest.

A soft knock erupted onto the bathroom's door. Dave's voice called in, "Hey, Kurt? You ready?"

But Kurt didn't respond. Tears began to roll down his face as his lip quivered. A soft sob escaped out of his trembling lips.

Dave frowned as he fumbled with the door knob. It is locked. He softly knocked again. "Honey?" He called out the nickname. It slipped out so easily and he didn't bother to say anything else.

Kurt sighed. Removing his blue eyes away from his reflection. He went over and unlocked the door. Revealing Dave Grohl in front of him.

Dave sighed, "Oh..c'mere." he says. His mind clicking into the realization of what is happening with Kurt.

Kurt slumped his body into Dave's. Allowing Dave to hold him and caress him with kindness and lovely gestures.

Dave rubbed Kurt's back. Whispering in his ear. "Oh Kurt, honey. Why do you think this way about yourself...?"

"Because I'm ugly and worthless and I don't deserve anything. I lost my daughter, Dave!" Kurt raised his voice as he stepped back.

Dave felt so bad for Kurt. He went back over and hugged Kurt gently close once again.

"Shh – I know it's hard on you. But it's going to be alright.. you're so strong Kurt. You've been through so much, and you're still here." Dave comforted.

'Still Here.' Kurt heard in his mind. But something..switched. His complete mood switched. His thoughts of positives completely vanished.

He only gave a simple nod. His crying has completely stopped as he gave Dave a fake smile.

"You're right, Dave! I'm still here!" Kurt exclaimed in false happiness. Stepping back with his hands in the air.

And Dave completely believed this act of false witness. Dave gave an encouragement nod. "Yes you are. Now, let's head to the pizza place. Yeah?"

Kurt suddenly felt something warm hit his heart. His moods are so fastly switching. He couldn't even keep up with them anymore.

He's been taking lithium for these acts, but he stopped in mid-January. Now his mood swings are completely over the roof.

His false happiness quickly replaced to actual happiness. He shyly grasped Dave's hand.

Dave blushed. "Do you need to put on a cardigan or something..? Just in case?" He asks in a soft caring voice.

A little smile rested on Dave's face but it quickly faded when he sees bruises inside Kurt's inner elbow.

'He's been using again.'

Dave thought in his head. Suddenly he grasps Kurt's arm gently to examine the puncture wounds.

Kurt tensed. Clenching his jaw as he turned his head. Dave asked, "Kurt..? Have you've been using..?"

"I–" Kurt lowered his head in guilt. Signifying the truth. "I'm– Sorry. I just –" Dave interrupts him. "When."

"Huh..?" Kurt lifted his head to look at Dave. Dave's happy face is now replaced with a concerned scowl. "When?!" He raised his voice as he repeated the question.

"Last night.. while you were asleep. I– I didn't mean– Well.. I mean– Fuck! Okay?! You caught me! I'm sorry!" Kurt admitted the truth, tears rolling down his cheeks uncontrollably.

"My god. Thats why you were up early.." Dave trailed off as he lifted Kurt up and sets him on the counter.

"What are you–" Kurt questioned but was interrupted by Dave. "Don't. Talk. Just, quiet now."

Kurt simply nodded as he watched Dave grab out the small medkit from the bathroom cabinet.

"Let's bandage you up." Dave whispered.

"He's Gone, Dave."Where stories live. Discover now