Chapter 19

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The two are at their shared mansion. Eating the lasagna in front of them. Dave sighed as he listened to the rain contuined to pour outside.

"It's raining again." Dave admitted. Lifting his head as he noticed Kurt is looking outside.

They shared a shower earlier, so they are freshly cleaned up for the evening. Now, the couple are seated at the dinner table. Enjoying the meal for the evening.

"It is." Kurt softly muttered in reply. Bringing the small glass of milk to his lips as he sipped it.

"Kurt, can we talk?" Dave cleared his throat as he sets his fork down. Meals have been halfway eaten.

Kurt sets his glass down. Turning his head away from the window and looking directly to his love.

"Yeah, what?" Kurt asks. Dave takes a deep breath and folds his hands together.

He clicked his tongue nervously as he cleared his throat. "Where did you get that, heroin?" Dave asks in a serious pained voice.

Kurt felt his heart drop. Oh. Kurt felt his mouth get dry. His throat stiff as he coughed awkwardly.

"I-" he began but Dave shakes his head. "Don't make excuses. I want to know."

Kurt sighed. He avoided eye contact. His blond hair slightly covering his vision as he spoke as stabled as he possibly could.

"I-, okay - I had some left." Kurt replied truthfully. Dave slammed his hands on the table. "What!" He raised his voice.

Kurt felt his eyes water. "I lied to you." His voice began to shake. Dave gets up from his seat.

"Kurt! You said you didn't have anymore! You said-" Dave began to raise his voice more and more.

But Kurt shouted back. "I KNOW WHAT I SAID!" The drummer fell silent. Kurt continued to scream. "I KNOW EXACTLY WHAT I'VE TOLD YOU! AND I LIED! DAVID, IM A FUCKING LIAR! OKAY?!"

Dave crossed his arms. "Kurt, I can't believe this! You almost-" he is interrupted again.

Kurt is standing on his two feet as well. Tears streaming down his face as he screamed out.


Kurt fell to his knees as he cried. Covering his face. Dave whispered. "I do understand you.."

Walking over, the drummer knelt down. He brought Kurt close but the blond began to squirm.

"Let go! David! Fuck off already! Let go!" Kurt cried out.

Dave didn't let go. Instead he held tighter. Kurt stopped his squirming. He went limp in Dave's arms. Crying softly as he allowed his boyfriend to hold him.

The drummer started to pet Kurt's hair. "Shh... Honey. I'm not mad at you for this. I'm worried. I could've lost you. This scared me."

Kurt halted his sniffles. He looked up at Dave. "Don't worry about me, David.. there's no reason." His voice shakes as he tucked his face into Dave's neck.

Dave sighed. Shaking his head as he holds his boyfriend close to him. "There's always a reason." He responded.

Making the blond go silent.

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