Chapter 17

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A few days have gone by, and Kurt has recovered in his emergency room. Today he is getting discharged. Which relieved Dave.

Currently, the two are still resided in the hospital room. Kurt is sitting up in his bed. The pillow rested calmly on his back.

"Hi, honey.. how are you?" Dave croaked out as he held Kurt's IV hand.  Kurt sighed. "This IV itches." He makes the complaint.

"How are you." Dave repeats. His brown eyes full of worry as he stares at his boyfriend with love and hurt.

Kurt noticed the look in Dave's eyes. He bit the inside of his cheek as he forced a smile. "Oh – uh.. I'm sorry? Uh,–" He cleared his throat. "I'm okay, now."

Dave turned his head. Tears filling his eyes. "No." He sneered. Kurt felt his heart sensation of aching dullness.

"Wh–What?" Kurt croaked out. Dave turned his head. "No! You're NOT!" He shouted at Kurt's face.

Kurt felt tears rise up in his face. Dave shouted in frustration as he gets up. He raised his hands in the air.

"DO YOU HEAR YOURSELF?! YOU DID IT. AGAIN! I CAN'T BELIEVE THIS."  Dave screamed as he lowered his hands.

Kurt felt his voice shake. "Dave, babe please listen–" he attempted but Dave cuts him off. "NO! I– I can't listen right now!"

"But–" Kurt whimpered but imediantly shuts off his emotions once the doctor came inside. Dave has gotten quiet too.

Sitting in a black plastic chair acrossed the room. Dave listened to the doctor that is discharging Kurt.

Kurt signed some paperwork and passed it back to the doctor. The doctor gave a slight wave and carried his clipboard. Leaving the room.

"Are you discharged.?" Dave asks. Not looking at his boyfriend. "Yes." Kurt responded as a nurse came into the room.

She removed Kurt's IV and wished him a pleasant day. Kurt wobbled as he gets up from the hospital bed.

Dave sighed as he gets up. Seeing the folded clothes on the little counter. He went over and picked the clothes up.

He went over and handed them to Kurt. "Change out of the gown. I'll wait here." He said.

Kurt gave a slight nod. Taking the clothes out of Dave's hand as he went to the bathroom that is apart of the hospital room.

The door softly closed. Dave sighed heavily. Something is wrong. He knows this isn't like Kurt at all and he wants to get to the bottom of this.

But he, couldn't.  His mind couldn't wrap around what Kurt was going to do.

He heard the soft click of the bathroom door unlocking. Kurt stepped out. He is dressed in normal attire and not hospital ware.

Kurt walked over to Dave. But the drummer couldn't look at his boyfriend. He felt hurt. He couldn't believe Kurt went back to his addiction.

"Ready to go home?" Dave asks. Kurt shakes his head. Which confused the brunet.

"Can we.. go to the park? I need fresh air..oh – a cigarette." Kurt mumbled. Keeping his head lowered as he wrapped his arms around one of the drummer's.

Hugging Dave's arm. Dave felt the softness of the affection and it made his heart flutter with a sadness.

"Oh?– Yeah.. you wanted to take a little date to the park a few days ago, huh?" Dave asks.

Kurt nods his head. Kissing Dave's shoulder. The anger in Dave washed away. He couldn't be mad at his lover.

Addiction is very hard to beat.

A smile grows onto Dave's face. "Yeah, okay. Let's go to the park. It's not too far from here, but we have to bring the car."

"That's fine with me." Kurt mumbled. The two left the hospital room and left the hospital all together.

Walking in the parking lot, Dave kept an arm around his boyfriend. "Hey, Kurt?" He called the others name.

The two stop their steps in front of Dave's vehicle. "Yeah?" Kurt lifted his head.

"I Love You." Dave reminded.

Kurt felt his heart swell with love. But in the back of his head. Consumed the darkest thoughts – he couldn't get rid of them.

As he could respond with, is –

"I Love You Too."

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