Chapter 30

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(⚠️TW⚠️: Homophobia.)

{A Couple Weeks Later}

~Darius POV~

Earlier today Uncle Desmond had to bail Eda, Raine, Alador, Porter, Eber, and I out of jail. We got arrested for being wild witches. It sucks. The coven system is corrupt yet everyone believes it's good and pure and all that bullshit!

I stared at the ceiling. It's the middle of the night and I can't sleep.

Alador stretched his arm over to check I was still here. He always does that in his sleep. I placed my hand on his. He opened his eyes slightly.

"Why are you awake?" He groaned.

"Just a lot on my mind." I said. "Go back to sleep."

He yawned and closed his eyes. A crash came from the living room, causing him to jolt awake. Eber growled that it's Eda.

"I'll deal with her." I said.

I kissed Alador then got up and left to deal with Eda. When I got into the living room, Eda already had the apple blood in her hand. She smiled and left without me saying anything. I went back into the bedroom and laid down. Alador cuddled up to me and fell asleep. I played with his hair and tried to fall asleep.

{The Next Day}

"I'm joining a coven." Porter told us.

Eda choked on her water while the rest of us stared at Porter.

"Corbeau, you're what now?" I asked.

"Joining a coven." Porter answered. "You guys can't convince me otherwise and when I join, I won't have contact with wild witches."

Eda sighed.

"Fine, but before you do that. One last adventure." She stated.

"I guess." Porter said. "What?"

"A camping trip." Eda said.

"Seriously?" Alador asked.

"In the human realm." Eda added.

"I'm sorry where?" Alador asked.

"The human realm. None of you have been there. It'll be great." Eda answered. "We'll get our supplies there! Camp in the woods! Possibly encounter a bear!"

"What the fuck is a bear?" Porter asked.

"A bear is a big giant hairy animal that is known to maul people!" Eda said.

Eber got excited and said he wanted to see that.

"Of course you would." I rolled my eyes.

"If we're gonna go, we should go now. Before it gets dark and all the shops close." Raine said.

Eda took out her key and clicked the eye. The portal door appeared and opened.

"Haha! Let's go!" Eda shouted and ran through.

Raine laughed and followed her. The rest of us anxiously stared at the open portal door.

" we just go through?" Alador asked.

Eber whimpered. Just regular scared whimpered.

"I guess." I said.

"Perry, it's your fault for wanting to join a coven. You go first." Alador told Porter.

"Me?! I didn't ask Eda for another adventure!" Porter protested.

I took a breath and stepped through the portal. I glanced around. Nothing attacked me.

Partners In Crime(Dalador/Aladarius)[The Owl House]Where stories live. Discover now