Chapter 2

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~Darius POV~

I gasped as I hit the ground. Something broke. I don't know if it was me or if I landed on something but something broke.

"Damn..." I groaned as I managed to stand up. "...What was that thing?"

I stumbled and looked around. Broken golden masks, ripped filthy cloaks, skulls, and bones were in piles and scattered around. Overgrown vines, weeds, and other fauna covered the piles.

"What is this place? And what happened here?" I asked aloud.

Did...did people die down here? Were people killed down here?

A loud and gargled scream came somewhere in the cavern. The walls shook and I fell. A sound like sludge being moved across the ground and walls echoed towards me. A green goopy started seeping into view. I have no clue what that stuff is but I'm not sticking around to find out. Stumbling and tripping, I managed to get to my feet and run the opposite direction. As I ran, I could hear the goop moving faster and start to sound almost like footsteps. Something swung, cutting through the air like a sword or an axe. It swung again, barely missing my head. It kept swinging. Finally it hit me, knocking me into a wall.

"Damnit! Think of something! Think fast!" I snapped at myself.

~??? ?????? ?????/?????? POV~

Damnit! Belos' has the kid cornered! Wait...what's the kid doing?!

~Darius POV~

I waited for the creature to be close enough then created a wall using abominable slime. If this worked the way it's supposed to, I'm safe. If it didn't, well...I'm dead.

The goop creature thrashed against the wall. I created steps on the wall and started to climb as quickly as I could.

~??? ?????? ?????/?????? POV~

While Belos was distracted by the wall of slime, the kid managed to get out of the cavern. That works out. Now I just have to get Belos back to Belos.

{Some Time Later}

~Alador POV~

"Hey, have either of you seen Darius?" I asked Edalyn and Lilith.

Edalyn spun a ball on her head.

"Nope. The last time we saw him was at the castle." She told me.

Lilith nodded in agreement with her sister.

"That's the last time I saw him too. And everyone I've asked." I told them.

"...You don't think he's still there, do you?" Lilith asked.

None of us answered. As if we were all thinking the same thing, we ran into the woods in the direction of the castle.

{Several Minutes Later}

"We have no clue where the castle is, do we?" I asked.

"Nope." Edalyn answered.

"Oh crap!" Someone shouted nearby, followed by a thud.

Lilith, Edalyn, and I exchanged curious looks. Then I went to check out what it was. A person had tripped over a rock. It was just the person we were looking for.

"Thank Titan!" I said.

Darius looked up.

"What happened to you?!" I asked as I helped him up and noticed he looked like he'd gotten into a fight.

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