Chapter 25

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(I just realized I slept through my alarm to post this week 🤦🏼 lol)

{A Few Days Later}

~Darius POV~

I wrapped my arms around Alador's waist, picked him up, and spun around. He laughed.

"We officially graduated!" I exclaimed.

"Yeah! But stop spinning! I'm gonna puke!" Alador said.

I stopped spinning, kissed him, then put him down.

"Everyone, in! Eda asked for a picture!" Raine said, holding up the stolen camera.

Eda dropped out of school after she was cursed. We tried to convince her not to buy to block avail.

Porter, Eber, Alador, and I squished behind Raine. They snapped a photo.

{A Few Months Later}

"Darius, you and Eber can stay longer you know." Uncle Desmond said.

"I know." I told him.

"You two haven't even joined covens." He stated.

"And we're not going to." I shrugged, moving a box into the living room. "Something about this whole coven system doesn't feel right. It's obviously corrupt."

Alador waved to me.

"Do you need help?" He asked.

"I only have two boxes." I answered.

"Moving in together is such a big step and it's quite a change. You'll always be there annoying each other." Uncle Desmond told us.

"We can handle it." I replied.

"Darius." Uncle Desmond said.

~Alador POV~

I watched and laughed as Desmond tried to convince Darius not to leave.

"I only just got you back." Desmond said.

"I promise to visit all the time, alright?" Darius rolled his eyes.

"Alador." Micheal whisper-shouted. "Alador."

I looked over. He nodded to the living room. I picked up Eber and went over.

"What?" I asked.

"From what I've heard, you're a messy person. Clothes and projects everywhere." Micheal said.

"Yeah." I shrugged. "I try to clean but it just becomes a mess again."

"I'm the same way. Desmond's such a neat freak, that's another reason he and Darius get along so well. Everything has to be perfect and pristine. That'll start some fights with you two." He told me. "I have a little trick to get out of it."

"What is it?" I asked.

"While he's shouting and mad, just kiss him. Right on the lips. It'll stop him in his tracks." He answered. "I do it to Desmond every time. It always works."

"I'll try that." I noted.

"Okay, now, shoo before Desmond realizes I'm corrupting you." Micheal said.

Eber and I laughed then I walked away.

"Are you ready to go?" Darius asked.

I nodded then put Eber on one of the boxes and picked the box up.

"I can carry both." Darius told me.

"No." I replied, shaking my head.

He laughed.

Partners In Crime(Dalador/Aladarius)[The Owl House]Where stories live. Discover now