Chapter 17

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(I'm on a road trip right now and almost forgot to upload this chapter today 🤦🏼! Also, I greatly apologize for the last scene, it was like 3am and it was all I could think to finish off the chapter.)

{A Few Weeks Later}

~Darius POV~

Alador leaned his head on my chest and wrapped his arms around my torso.

"Cuddles..." He mumbled.

"We're at school. We'll get detention." I reminded him.

When Alador and I first went public, Faust gave us detention because Alador had clung to me. Some stupid rule about being too close. We'll get detention if Faust sees us.

"I don't care..." Alador told me. "That rule is stupid and we're behind the school..."

He tightened his grip on me. I ruffled his hair and he didn't react. Usually he at least tells me to stop.

"Bad day?" I asked.

He nodded.

"Cuddles..." He muttered. "Please..."

I sighed, rolled my eyes, smiled, and wrapped my arms around him tightly.

"I feel better already." Alador told me.

He looked up and smiled at me. I kissed his forehead. His smile got bigger.

"If we get detention, I'm blaming you." I told him.

He shrugged then snuggled closer. He really doesn't care today, huh? I just held him and he was happy being held. His love language is physical touch. It was something I didn't really notice until we started dating, it doesn't surprise me though. I'd remember he'd always been a little clingy in relationships.

"How does this camera still have room?" Eda said as she took a picture of us. "The hundreds of pictures on here of everyone, the storage should be full but it's nowhere near full."

"It's probably enchanted." I told her.

"That makes sense." Eda nodded.

"So screwed!" Lilith snapped, rushing over.

She started trying to explain something but none of us could understand us.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. Take a breath. Who's screwed and why?" Eda asked her.

"We are! Tomorrow is the next grudgby match and we're down a player!" Lilith answered. "Our 3rd broke her leg and arm in a skiing accident at The Knee yesterday and won't be completely healed for at least a week!"

"She what?! I told her not to go skiing!" Eda said. "But we're not screwed."

Oh no.

"Darius, you're good at grudgby." She said. "Please sub in. We need to win this game."

Damnit. I knew she was gonna say it.

"Fine." I sighed, knowing I'd never live it down if I refused.

"Since when are you good at grudgby?" Alador asked me.

"You forget my uncle plays grudgby professionally." I answered.

"Right." He said.

"Stop making me feel extremely single." Porter told Alador and I as he came around the corner.

I looked at Alador. To be honest, I forgot I was holding him. He smiled at me. Eber and Raine showed up and Alador finally let me stop holding him.

"Hey, Eber." Eda said as Eber jumped next to her before Raine could.

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