Chapter 8

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{A Couple Days Later}

~Darius POV~

"So, what's with you and Alador?" Raine said as we waited outside Hexside. "You two were acting kind of weird a few days ago and now you guys are good as new again."

Eh, not exactly 'good as new', we're still a little awkward and weird after grom but it's died down a lot after our talk. We talked and agreed to be a little more than friends and that once he figures himself out a little more we'd talk again about where we stand.

"We're fine. We had a small argument at grom." I half-lied to Raine.

"Over?" They asked.

"You're nosy." I said. "I said that his date, Odalia, was a red flag. He didn't believe me but eventually realized I was right."

"Mhm." Raine said. "I don't believe you."

I rolled my eyes and Raine grabbed my arm.

"Why do you have a bite mark on your arm?!" They asked.

"Oh, it's complicated." I answered.

"Did you bite yourself?!" Raine asked.

"No, it wasn't me." I answered. "It was Alador."

Alador got a little bit over excited yesterday while researching a new spell and he bit me. When we were 8 and on a field trip to the museum, he bit my arm. I didn't talk to him for a week because I thought he was trying to be a jackass. Eventually he told me it's his ADHD that causes him to bite like that when over excited. I've gotten used to it, though it almost always catches me off guard.

"I'm sorry, what?!" They asked.

I explained. They nodded.

Something started...howling on the ground between us. Raine and I jumped back looked down. The creature from the woods from a month and a half ago. It had a hexside uniform on.

"It's you." I said. "From the woods."

I knelt down and reached over to pat its head. Before I even reached it, it jumped on my hand, ran up my arm, and perched itself on my shoulder.

"That was unexpected." Raine said.

"And scary." I said.

"Fair, I guess." Raine laughed.

I stood back up, trying not to let the creature fall.

"It's-" I started.

The creature made a small sound.

"He." Raine said.

I nodded.

"He's in the beast keeping track." I said.

The creature nodded.

"Do you have a name?" I asked it.

"Eber!" It barked. "Wolf!"

"Eberwolf?" I asked. "Is that what you said? That's your name?"

Eberwolf nodded.

"How about we call you Eber for short?" Raine suggested.

Eberwolf nodded eagerly.

"It's nice to properly meet you, Eber." I said. "I'm Darius Deammone and they are Raine Whispers."

"Sorry we thought you were a wild animal in the woods before." Raine said.

Eber made a sound.

"What does that mean?" I asked.

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