Chapter 24

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{The Next Morning}

~Lilith POV~

"That's what love looks like. Gross." Archer stated as we checked on Alador and Darius.

I giggled. Archer and I are both aroace. People act like it's shocking but it isn't.

{A Few Hours Later}

Archer went to drop Alador and Darius off somewhere. I don't know where.

~Darius POV~

We landed. Alador walked ahead.

"Before I passed out, I saw you create a claw with abomination." I told Archer.

"Well, it's only part of this spell I know." Archer said. "I can armor my whole body in abomination and control it."

"That sounds so cool!" I exclaimed, but immediately regretted it because of the bandages. "Ow..."

"I could teach you what to do if you'd like." He offered.

"Yeah!" I replied.

"Before you go, I know you've fought that thing before." He said. "I saw you. Try not to get caught by it again. You got lucky twice, you won't a third."

I nodded slowly. He saw me that day of the trip? Why didn't he tell me sooner?

"Go." Archer shooed me away.

I went to catch up with Alador.

"What was that about?" Alador asked.

"He offered to teach me a spell." I answered.

~Raine POV~

Someone knocked on the door of The Owl House.

"Hiya! I thought you were dead!" Hooty greeted before letting the people in.

Immediately Eda tackled Alador and Darius. The two boys winced in pain but Eda didn't notice.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" Eda repeated a few dozen times.

"Since when do you know that word?" Darius asked.

"It's fine, Edalyn." Alador said.

Porter and I laughed as Eda and Alador got up. Darius didn't get the chance before Eber curled up on his lap.

"Hoot ho-" Hooty started.

Eber hissed at it and Hooty backed off.

"At least we know Eber doesn't like Hooty." I said.

Darius scooped up Eber then stood up. Eber whimpered saying he didn't want to be picked up.

"Too bad. I wasn't staying on the floor." He told him.

{A Month And A Half Later}

~Alador POV~

Edalyn's officially a hexside dropout. I tried to convince her not to but she wouldn't listen.

"I can't believe next week we're graduating!" I said, laying on the grass outside Hexside.

"Get off the ground." Darius told me. "It's filthy and disgusting."

"No." I replied.

Benjamin Rattington got out of my school bag and started rolling around in the grass near me. Ace watched, obviously unamused. Benjamin tried to get them to roll around with him but they just curled up.

Partners In Crime(Dalador/Aladarius)[The Owl House]Where stories live. Discover now