Chapter 16

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{A Couple Days Later}

~Darius POV~

Odalia hasn't shown up to annoy Alador today. I think she's finally given up.

We got out of class and Alador rubbed his eyes.

"What's up?" I asked.

"I got abomination in my eyes again." He said.

"Again?" I said.

He nodded.

"You have to be more careful." I told him.

"I am careful." He protested.

{A Little Bit Later}

"What are you doing, Surdoué?" I asked.

While I leaned on the wall, Alador had tried to pin me. I'm a foot taller so it just looks awkward. Easily I could just move him to the side but this is kind of funny.

"I don't know." Alador said.

I laughed then kissed the top of his head.

"I get it, I get it. You're tall." He said, backing up and crossing his arms.

{A Couple Hours Later}

"Did you hear? The bard track is supposed to do a performance tomorrow." Porter said, sitting at the lunch table.

"We haven't heard a thing about that." I said.

Alador and Eber shook their heads.

"Why didn't Raine tell me that?" Eda said.

"You can ask them now. They're coming." Alador said.

"Hey, you guys." Raine said, sitting next to Eda.

"Perry told us the bard track has a performance tomorrow." Eda said. "Were you gonna tell us? I wanna watch you perform."

"I won't be in it." Raine said.

"I heard everyone in the bard track has to participate." Porter noted.

"I'm going to skip it. It's- it's stupid. Bard magic is stupid." Raine said.

"You're the last person I'd expect to hear call bard magic stupid." Eda said. "You always say it's underrated and can be cool."

"There's something else." I said.

"What? No, there isn't." Raine said.

"There definitely is. We won't judge you." I said. "Most of us won't judge you."

"I have stage fright, okay?!" They said. "I love bard magic but I can't stand being in front of an audience. All those people. The staring. The expectations. It's terrifying."

"Seriously?" Alador said. "You have performance anxiety?"

"Iconic, huh?" Raine said.

"Yeah." Porter said.

"As I said, I'm just going to skip it." Raine said.

"No, you're not." Eda said, standing up and slamming her hand on the table.

She grabbed her hand.

"That was dumb..." She mumbled.

Eber laughed at Eda.

"I can't perform. I choke and forget the notes." Raine said.

"We'll get you over your stage fright." I said.

"How are you supposed to do that by tomorrow?" They asked.

Eber said we'd figure it out.

"Either way, you can't skip it." Perry said. "We'll make sure you don't."

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