Chapter 10

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{A Couple Days Later}

~Alador POV~

I stared out the window.

"Alador!" Darius said.

"What?-" I said but got my answer as soon as the abomination I forgot I was working on exploded all over the class.

{A Few Minutes Later}

Darius laughed as we left class. For the most part, we could get the abomination slime off us with magic but there's still some.

I rubbed my eye. Abomination got in it.

"You can't zone out like that in class." He said, still laughing.

"It's not intentional!" I said.

"...y'know this kind of makes me wonder if abomination slime could be used as weave or hair extensions or something like that." He thought aloud.

"Maybe." I said.

He made a grossed out face.

"...I'm gonna go to the bathroom. Abomination got in my mouth." He said.

"Ew..." I replied, wrinkling my nose. "Gross."

He walked off. I went to my locker.

"Alador! You're filthy!" Odalia exclaimed, coming over to me.

Right. Odalia's been hanging around again. Before grom she was fine but now she's insufferable whenever she shows up.

"Hi..." I said. "There was a mishap in class."

"A mishap? Was it that-" She started.

"No, it was my fault." I said, getting my books for my next class.

"Oh." She said.

She started on about something else. I looked down and double checked I had the right books with me.

"We haven't been out since grom, are you not serious about this relationship?" Odalia said.

I looked up.

"Excuse me? What relationship?" I asked, looking over at her.

"Ours!" She snapped.

"We're not together. We never have been. How would we?" I said. "Why would we?"

"You agreed to grom with me though." She said.

"I agreed to grom, yes. I never said we were together and either way, you ditched me." I said. "And I don't like you. I like someone else."

She gasped.

"Who?!" She demanded.

"That isn't any of your business." I said.

She stormed off. Not too long after, Darius came back.

"I just saw Odalia and she looked pissed!" He said, obviously enjoying it.

"That's my fault. And kind of yours." I said.

"How so?" He asked.

"I told her I like someone who isn't her." I said.

"Surdoué, you didn't!" He exclaimed.

"She convinced herself that she and I were together, what was I supposed to do?" I said.

He laughed.

"Why are you so entertained by this?" I asked.

"Because that took confidence that a couple months ago you never would've had." He told me. "2 months ago you'd have just gone along with it."

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