Chapter 20

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(⚠️TW⚠️: mention of domestic abuse, homophobia, animal abuse.)

{A Week Later}

~Darius POV~

A loud thud jolted Eber and I awake. I looked over. Eda had dropped a book the width of her head on the table in the library hideout. Lilith and Raine stared at me from the corner of the room. Alador stood, looking down at me.

"Darius, what's going on? Edalyn called saying she and Lilith found you here. It's not even 8 in the morning." Alador said.

"Would you believe I fell asleep studying?" I asked, sitting up and moving Eber from my chest to my lap.

All of them shook their heads.

"You have a blanket and a bag of clothes. You've been sleeping here for more than just a night." Raine said. "We're concerned."

I sighed. I'm not getting out without explaining. The others came and sat next to me. Eber whimpered, jumped off my lap, ran over to the bag of clothes, and took out the envelope holding the letter and photos. He brought it over and dropped it at Alador's feet. He then picked up his stuffed fox and jumped on my lap. Alador picked up the envelope. Ben jumped from Alador's pocket and started looking around for Ace. Ace poked their nose out of my bag and Ben jumped in with them. Adorable little palismen.

"How can that letter be why you guys are sleeping here?" Raine asked.

"It was delivered to my parents about 2 weeks ago. I don't know who sent it or why but they did. My parents weren't pleased with me and the photos inside." I explained.

Alador opened the envelope. He took out the letter. The others read over his shoulder.

"Behave like what?" Eda asked.

"Just look at the photos." I said.

Lilith reached over and took the envelope from Alador. She took out the photos and flipped through them. Her brow furrowed and a frown showed on her lips. She handed the letter to Alador specifically.

"I'm sorry." She said, I'm sure if it's to me and Eber or Alador.

Alador flipped through. Eda and Raine looked over his shoulder. Alador looked at me. The look on his face, in his eyes; worry, sadness, and regret.

"Dad came into my room while I wrapped Alador's birthday present. He screamed at me before..." My voice faltered.

Eber continued for me.

"Before he started dragging you by your hair. Kicking and beating you. Your mother shouting slurs." Raine translated.

"Eber tried to protect me but got hurt in the process." I said, finding my voice again. "Dad threw her out. Then after another dozen or so kicks, he threw me out too. With a healing spell Alador taught me, I healed us but I'm not good so there was still a bruise on my cheek that Alador had healed and few on my sides for about a week. I managed to sneak in to get clothes and a couple other items. Then Eber and I came here."

"I'm sorry." Alador whispered.

"Why didn't you go to one of us?" Eda asked.

"I didn't want any of you to worry. Eber and I can handle ourselves so there's no need to worry." I said, trying to show a reassuring smile.

No one bought it.

"Your uncle. You could've gone to him." Alador said.

"Honest? I haven't seen him in 4 years. I don't know what he'd do or say." I said.

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