Chapter 6

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{A Couple Days Later}

~Alador POV~

It's grom. I decided to check on Darius. Being around him, I still feel strange but I'm trying to ignore it. That feeling has to go away eventually, right? He's my best friend. I can't always feel this way around him. It's weird.

"Do you have any idea what you're going to do to beat it?" I asked.

Darius shook his head.

"No, but I'll figure it out." He smiled.

"You don't have to act confident, it's just me." I said.

"Fine." He sighed. "I'm nervous. Grometheus is terrifying. But I said I'd be fearless and I will be."

"Thank you for switching with me." I smiled.

"You're welcome. Now, go find your date." He said, reaching over and fixing my bowtie before shoving my arm. "She's probably looking for you."

I nodded.

"Good luck, Darius." I said. "And don't die."

I headed towards the gymnasium. Lilith ran past me towards Darius.

"Principal Faust refused Eda and Raine entrance to grom." Lilith told Darius. "Can you help me sneak the two of them in really quick?"

{A Few Minutes Later}

"Where were you?" Odalia snapped at me.

"I went to check on Darius." I said.

"Oh him." She said, obviously annoyed. "He isn't going anywhere in life, why do you hang out with him so much?"

I may not be good with most social cues but even I can tell she doesn't like Darius.

"Um, hey, uh...let's, I guess?" I said awkwardly trying to change the subject.

"Sure." Odalia sighed.

{Half An Hour Later}

"Good evening, Hexside!" An oracle student announcement on stage. "I, Perry Porter, will be your announcer this fine grom night!"

Knowing what was about to happen, everyone made their way to the bleachers. Porter continued announcing.

"Now for the main event, the fight!" Porter announced. "The 2nd best abomination student at this school, Darius Deammone will be fighting Grometheus the fear bringer in the arena!"

"You were supposed to be grom king." Odalia muttered to me. "How're such a let down, Alador...just pathetic..."

I watched Darius enter the arena and tried to ignore Odalia muttering under her breath essentially calling me pathetic and a wimp. Darius smiled at me and I smiled back at him. Odalia scowled at me.

{Some Time Later}

Darius has defeated most of the fears Grometheus threw at him. The last is his biggest's sad, his fear I mean. His parents have never been the best to him and he's terrified he'll end up like them.

"Now the final fear- wait- what is Deamonne doing?" Porter announced.

What is Darius doing? He picked up a sword and charged Grometheus. Before Grometheus had a chance to shapeshift again, Darius plunged the sword into it. Grometheus let out an earsplitting shriek and then retreated. A crown materialized on Darius's head.

"Grometheus the fear bringer is defeated!" Porter announced as students cheered.

{A Few Minutes Later}

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