Chapter 13

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(HAPPY PRIDE MONTH! Y'all are getting 2 chapters a week! One on Wednesdays done on Sundays.)

{A Couple Weeks Later}

~Darius POV~

Since no one's allowed at Alador's place when his dad isn't home and my parents won't allow me to have anyone over ever, so Alador invited me to come to the library hideout in the middle of the night.

Alador pulled away. He looked kind of sad.(clarification: they were making out, not fucking.)

"What's wrong, Surdoué?" I asked.

"I hate this." He said.

"You hate what?" I asked.

"This arrangement." He said, shifting on my lap. "I hate how casual we're being about this."

"Then say that." I said then jokingly added. "But didn't we agree we'd talk more about this when you figured yourself out."

He pouted.

"I have! I've narrowed it down, I'm either bi, pan, or omni." He responded. "You didn't say I had to completely figure myself out before we talked more."

I didn't, did I?

"Why do you hate us being so casual?" I asked.

"I really like you. Like I really really like you and being so casual just doesn't feel right. It feels dirty." Alador said.

"What do you want to do about it?" I said.

"We could date." He suggested anxiously. "Be boyfriends?"

"Are you completely sure you want that? And are you comfortable with it?" I asked.

"Yeah." He said. "Don't look at me like that."

"Like what?" I asked.

"Like you don't believe me." He said.

The last boyfriend I had wasn't comfortable with his sexuality but I was persistent. Our relationship went quickly and poorly. I want things with Alador to go better.

"Darius." He said. "You told me you liked me for a while, why are you so hesitant?"

"Alador, come on, it's obvious you're uncomfortable with that idea." I said, using my hand to brush his hair from his face. "You were scared of your feelings before and even you're acting awkwardly trying to ask. You're the one who always says putting labels on a relationship makes it real."

"I'm not uncomfortable, I'm nervous!" He snapped. "I'm not used to being with a guy! It's still new to me but I'm not scared anymore! I was scared of my feelings messing things up but they didn't! I've accepted them!"

He acts so sure of that. Things have been going well and he has been pretty comfortable with me as more than friends. He's been the one to start the make out sessions and he's so calm about it too, I don't even realize what's going on at first. If he's comfortable enough for that, maybe he is comfortable enough to be more, to put a label on this. I sighed then smiled at him.

"Alright. We can try." I said. "Be boyfriends."

Alador grinned.

"Are you happy now?" I asked, cupping his face in my hands.

He nodded.

"You're my boyfriend." He said, excitedly. "Boyfriend. My boyfriend. You are my boyfriend."

"I am." I laughed. "Now calm down a little."

"Are you going to let go?" He asked, realizing I was still holding his face.

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