Stalking Exo

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A few moments later, I was on the sofa in my room, looking through a pair of binoculars, at exo.

"A temple of gods deserves a tourist like me!" I said to myself.

Suddenly the door opened. Panicking, I quickly turned around and hid the binoculars behind my back.

Ga-eun, my best friend, walked in. She walked in, closing the door behind her, fumbled in her bag and brought out her pair of binoculars.

"This is a token of our ten year friendship." She said, handing it to me.

"I can't use that. This is wrong." I say, as I gently push her hand away.

"I can't believe you live next door to exo! What did you do to deserve this?" She sat down next to me. "Let's say you saved the world and this is your reward. You shouldn't waste this god-given opportunity."

"Use this to get used to their faces." She brought out her pair of binoculars again. "You have to stop blushing if you want to talk to them."

"You think so?" I ask her. I smile. "That's what I thought too. Ta-da!" I exclaim, bringing out my binoculars from behind my back.

"You act before you talk don't you?"

"Heh." I say, trying out the binoculars.

"By the way, how was it? You saw them in person. What was it like?"

"Well actually... See for yourself" I tell Ga-eun.

We both turn around and look through our binoculars at exo through the window.

"Their profile is so sharp, they could cut paper." Ga-eun sighed.

"What about that nose? And that unrealistic face size? They have to be from outer space, right?" I reply. Well of course, they're from exoplanet.(A/N, an exoplanet is kinda just like a planet that isn't in our solar system and orbits some other random star.)

"Perfect proportions and slender fingers..." Ga-eun continued. "They are like masterpieces.

"Their eyes are as deep and dark as black holes."

Suddenly i remembered myself spitting water in Chanyeol's face. A mixture of water and saliva droplets hitting his face.

"No!" I shout, "I messed it all up. Damn it..."

The next thing I knew there was a huge stack of food next to me. Biscuits, crackers, potato chips, everything. I take a huge handful of chips and stuff it in my mouth.

"So what if I messed up? As long as I'm doing this, I'm gonna be on them 24/7." I say.

"Too bad I can't see all of them." Ga-eun sighed.

Suddenly the door burst open again, and in walked my mum. Ga-eun and I quickly hid our binoculars. She looked around my room.

"Your room is a total pigsty." She says. She turns and sees Ga-eun. "Ga-eun, you're still here? Aren't your parents worried?

Ga-eun knew it was her cue to leave. She silently raised her hand and made the 'call me' sign, then stood up and left.

"Get out!" I shouted at my mum. "I'll clean my room, so get out!"

"What did you do? Your face is at it again."

Ah... "Don't be stupid! I'm this way because you gave birth to me like this. You should feel sorry for me." I protest. "By the way, I have a question."

"Go ask your teacher. The dumb ones never know the time and place."

I ignore her insult. "You know our neighbours..."

She suddenly looked slightly interested. "Yeah?"

"Why do you keep giving them stuff?"

"What do you mean?"

"Never mind. Do you know what they do? You won't just let anyone in Chan's grandpa's house."

"People don't write their jobs in a lease agreement. How should I know?"

"Why are you getting so mad?"

"I have no idea. Stop pestering me and clean your room!" My mum turns and leaves the room.

"That means I'm the only one who knows about them." I tell myself.

I take out my binoculars, turn around, and continue what I was doing before.

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