The 'Good Looking Neighbours'

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"Welcome to the neighbourhood!" I smile, holding out the key card in my clothes which I had just put on.

"Nice to meet you."

"If you ever need anything..."

"Let's be good neighbours."

I stare at myself in the mirror the whole time, trying out new phrases and outfits. Suddenly the sound of a car pulling up came from outside. I rush to the window. Seeing if it's them. Suddenly the doorbell sounds. I smile, as I go downstairs.

"Hello." Two guys bow down and greet me. "We're here for the key card."

I stare at them blankly. There two, are, not good looking. They smile and one of them reaches their hands out for the key card.

"Ah. Here you go." I briefly force a smile at them. "What did I expect?"

Lying down on my bed, I sigh. I am 23. They say that's the prime of my life. But I haven't had a boyfriend yet.

"Nice to meet you."


It's not like I'm picky. I've had chances to meet guys. But I have one big flaw.

There was that time, it was my first love. I had told him to meet me. I wanted to give him a gift. He was walking towards me. He smiled and said,

"Sorry, I know I'm late. Why did you ask to see me? Do you have something to say?"

"Um, actually..."

My flaw is, I turn into a rock around guys I like.

"This is so like you." He said.

And my face turns red.

"I'm leaving." He said.

Essentially, I become a red rock. Even if I do fall in love with a cute guy next door, I'll turn into a rock anyway. So there's no use in hoping. I should just live with it.

"This was a set up."

"Hahaha!" I laugh as I sit in front of the television and much away on a bag of chips. I'm watching exo. What better way is there to get rid of my disappointment and sadness?

"He's so cute," I think to myself.

"Woo, a, aha yargh," my brother shouts, interrupting my happy relaxation time. He practising martial arts on the coat/hat hanger stand again. He continues to make stupid noises as he punches and does weird stuff to the hanger stand.

"Mom, what's wrong with him?" I complain.

He suddenly stands up and walks towards the window, staring outside.

"Sis," he begins, "Didn't you say we got ugly ass neighbours?"

"Yup. Ugly as hell." I reply. He looks confused.

"Is that what ugly looks like these days?"

I ignore him and laugh, continuing to watch my show. He turns to the television and asks me,

"Hey sis, are those guys also ugly ass?"

"Look in a mirror. You'll see what ugly ass looks like." I reply harshly.

"That's odd. They look like our neighbours."

I tell him to come over with a few small waves of my hand. As soon as he's lose enough, I reach out my hand and half slap, half punch him.

"Are you blind? Who are you comparing to exo?" I yell at him. He does his martial art moves. "Knock it off." I say, annoyed.

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