The Serial Killers?

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I feel someone's presence behind me. I turn around slowly, to the sight of four people dressed in black, carrying bags and luggage. They seemed to emit some sort of creepy, abnormal aura.

The scene was also creepy. A dark, quiet alleyway? A black cat seemed to agree with my point, as it ran across the street in front of me.

"Who are they?" I ask myself, as I speed up my pace, not wanting to be close to the creepy guys. I can't help looking back at them, to see if they're catching up to me. They're still keeping up nicely.

"Why are they following me?" I hurriedly walked ahead.

"We are stuck here for three months, right?" One of the guys behind me suddenly says. I listen to their conversation.

"Yup. It will be all over the net by tomorrow."

"What?" I thought to myself. What's going to be all over the net tomorrow? Someone else speaks up behind me.

"Be quiet, you want everyone to hear? "

"Man, we should have taken care of it."

Who the hell are they? Their conversation certainly seems strange. And creepy. But doesn't everything right now? Suddenly another voice interrupts my thoughts.

"Why is Matilda so heavy?"

What..? "Ma-Matilda?" I stop in my tracks. Images of a blonde girl appear in my mind. Blood flows out from her, as she stares at you with lifeless eyes. The four guys stand above her.

Suddenly a sidewalk lamp fizzes, as it's light flickers and dies, scaring me. "Argh!" I shout as I step onto a banana peel, losing my footing, as I slip over. My screams fill the air, as my sanitary packet flies out from my bag, and lands with a crackling sound onto the hard concrete behind me.

My back hits the floor. Yet I don't feel any pain. I sense the guys behind me stop. Behind me is also my sanitary packet. Which I tried so hard to get.

I hear someone picking it up. I hear them coming closer.

"Please don't come. They're gonna kill me! It's not the last day of my period, it's my last day on Earth! What should I do, should I act dead? Don't come, don't come, don't come!"

"Are you alright?" A voice says above me. I open my eyes, to the four guys staring at me.

"Serial killers?" I think to myself, as it's the first thing that come to my mind. I stand up hurriedly. I don't want to die yet!

"Gah, arghhhhh!" I scream, as I wave my bag all around me, hitting them all in the faces. They back away. I take the chance and run away as fast as I can still screaming.

"What the.. What's with her?"

Exo Next Door (Book Version)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ