Rice Cakes Delivery

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Suddenly my mum walks over to me, holding a bag, no, package of some sort which is wrapped in a cloth.

"Bring this next door." She orders me.

"Okay." I was still watching my show and my brain hadn't had the time to process what she had just said. Or maybe I just wasn't paying attention. Suddenly the realisation of what she said hit me.

"What?" I said, staring at her. I did not want to go to their place.

"It's a box of rice cakes. Go while they are still hot."

"Why are you doing this to me? Will they starve without this? You can get loads of numbers for delivery food on the net. We just got some too."

I stop to see my mum had picked up her phone and was calling someone. She starts to speak.

"Hey, weren't you looking for a room? I have..."

I take the rice cakes, cut her off, push her onto the sofa, and leave.

I poke my head around the corner. of the doorway.

"Anyone here?" I call out. "Nobody?"

Seeing as there wasn't anyone home, I walked into the living room cautiously, found the kitchen, and places the rice cakes down on the table.

"Ah... They should eat it before it gets cold." I bend down to smell it. "Ah... smells fantastic."

I check around again to see if anyone was present, then I untie the cloth wrapping the box, open the box, and I see a huge collection of wonderful, delicious, warm rice cakes. I took one and bit into it.

"This is delicious!" I told myself, as I took another bite. I suddenly felt it get caught in my throat. I cough, and stumble to the fridge and open it, to find two bottles of water. I grab one of them and take a few deep gulps of water.

That's when they came into the room. They who looked identical to Sehun, D.O, Baekhyun and Chanyeol.

"Who are you?" Chanyeol guy asks. Not nicely.

I had a mouthful of water. That was when I spat the water out on Chanyeol's face.

I stood there in shock, realising what I have just done. But then something else washed over my mind.

"Oh my god, EXO lives next door!"

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