Getting New Neighbours?

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"Arghh!" I scream all the way to my house. My mum and my brother are both sitting in the living room eating bananas. A huge pile of banana peels are on the table. I continue screaming as I run up the stairs, until I'm back on my room, and fall down right onto my bed, catching my breath. I quickly fan my face, trying to make the redness go away.

"Gyah, ha!" My brother suddenly kicks open my door and bursts into my room, doing some sort of stupid martial art move that he always does.

"What's wrong with you?" I shout at him.

"Did you hear? Someone's moving next door."

"Moving in?"

"Yup. Mom says it's a bunch of good looking guys."

What? I stop fanning my face, as I think this through. Good looking guys? What could be more perfect than this? My face starts to turn red again without knowing, and I start to smile.

"Hey, what are you thinking?"

My brother's voice snaps me awake.

"Get out," I say, kicking him. "You hear me?"

He doesn't move. I lean over the side of my bed and fetch my toy gun. I aim it at him, as it makes small shooting noises.

"Get out now. I said get out!"

"Oh, oh, ugh, that's not fair!" As he dumbly tried to block the 'bullets' and runs out the door.

"Go!" I yell after him.

"Good looking guys?" I lie back down in my bed, clutching my fake gun to my chest. I feel my face turning red again.

A vision appears in my mind, there I am, in that beautiful, elegant red dress. Good looking guys surround me, staring at me, winking at me, giving me gifts. I blow a kiss towards them. "I am an exceptional girl." I think to myself, as three guys carry me.

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