
the purging or release of emotional tensions.


a beautiful woman with long black hair and a beauty mark under her eye swept a little me up into her arms. she seemed afraid... but of what?

she brushed some of my hair from my face and gave me a kiss on my forehead. "mama?" i questioned, confused. "its okay, sweetheart. you're okay."

i was around two, with a small ponytail on top of my head, but when i peeped over my mother's shaking shoulder, i saw it.

a man with white hair and a sinister grin, walking right towards us. it seemed like his footsteps were the only thing i could hear.

"now, now." he said, his voice echoing through my room. "this is no way to treat a guest, Kamiko."

my mother hugged me in her arms as she furiously turned to him, firing a small lightray at him. "watch your step, villain." she warned, i felt her body begin to heat up.

"watch my step? do you know that you're in the presence of a legend, woman?"

my mother fired a more powerful light ray at his feet, causing the carpet to catch small, white flames.

"i am in the presence of nothing more than filth. you disgust me." my mother shot back, glaring at him with stern brown eyes.

the man appeared before my mother and swiped me out of her hands. "what an adorable child." he stated, looking me over. "get away from her!"

a red and black blade-like object stabbed through my mother's lower stomach. "lets get rid of the other one," he said, looking at her bloody abdomen.

before i could process what was happening, bakugou was also impaled by those blade like objects. my eyes widened as i watched him fall, but todoroki caught him. i couldn't stand, but i directed solar energy directly into my body, willing myself to fly up and grab bakugou from todoroki.

when i did, i almost fell from the added weight, but i stayed strong. "bakugou. everything is fine now." i told him. "shut up, lightsaber." he rasped out.

izuku zipped towoards shigaraki... or all for one in a fit of rage, but thr villain placed his hand on the hero's head.

"shit! deku! get out of there!" i yelled, but it was no use. it seemed like they zoned out.

i landed with bakugou and placed him with the injured, pulling out a small bottle of disinfectant and disinfecting his wounds.

i couldn't give him any of my energy, because if i did, i would faint and completely be out of the fight. so, i just absorbed some from the sunlight and heat.

suddenly, izuku and shigaraki fell, away from each other. i still saw the sparks of power around my green haired friend, and assumed that he still had OFA.

thay made me release a breath i didn't know i was holding. the sheer relief making tears flood to my eyes. izuku seemed to faint and i leaped to his aid, catching him with ease.

shigaraki got up again as i placed izuku down next to balugou.

"one more time. just one." i said to myself and upped my energy, directly drawing it from the sun.

i flew into the air and fired another desintegrate ray at shigaraki, but as i did, another energy spiraled around mine, and both knocked shigaraki down.

i turned around with a weak smile as my power up fell, "nejire!"

iida was with her, i guess he came here to scold us.

"iida!! get midoriya and the others to safety!" i screamed from above, flying closer to nejire. "he's not healing as fast as he did! hado, chuzuki! help me! let's put pressure on him!" todoroki yelled.

i nodded and turned my focus to shigaraki, aiming two light rays at him, as todoroku struck him with fire and hado sent her spiraling energy at him.

but a large hand swatted me and hado away like we were flies, and grabbed shigaraki.

i harshly landed on the ground, the wind knocked out of me. i was very close to endeavor and the others, so i shakily sat up and let out a few wheezy coughs.

when i focussed on the monster, a man with brutal scars stood  on his back. he poured water over his black hair, revealing white her under black dye.

damn, that hairdye is weak. i should make a mental note not to buy whatever he uses.

the man looked at endeavor, "call me touya, its the name you and mom gave me."

i looked at him with much surprise. endeavor had a villain son. and he was supposed to be dead.

"i didn't forget our family. I've been watching you the whole time."

thats creepy.

the man continued to ramble on as i crawled to izuku, helping him sit up.

i was so exhausted, i didn't know if i could fight for long anymore. so if this guy would try something, I'd either fight until i fainted, or I'd have to sit out the fight completely like a coward.

i guess its obvious which one I'll pick when push comes to shove.

a wave of nausea hit me suddenly, as my stomach churned with stress. something was wrong. "and you. the daughter of the retired symbol of peace." the villain said, looking straight at me.

"when i found out of your existence, i was thrilled to know that all might had a kid. but when i found out that he was also a shit father, i got even more excited. you're a little tragedy, aren't you? just like me."

"you shut your mouth!" i barked, my face pale and yellow-looking. i was going to puke up all of those high calorie bars i ate.

i turned away from everyone and coughed up my lunch on the dusty ground. i was shaking. how did he know? how did he find out? who told him?

Another wave of nausea hit me and i vomited again.

this was bad. the catharsis of my secret getting out was purging my emotions by emptying the contents in my stomach. i had never realized how much pressure it was on me to keep quiet until now.

the man spoke of a pre-recorded broadcast playing before saying that he knew of me and my dad. did he also speak of that in the video? if so then all of japan definitely knew. heroes, civilians and villains alike.

i wiped my mouth and stood up, choking back more bile that welled up in my throat and i looked at the villain, who now was jumping down to attack endeavor.

todoroki was trying to talk to endeavour, but the large man was lost in his head, a look of sheer terror on his face.

the villain mimicked one of endeavor's ultimate moves, so i quickly stepped in front of them and put a weak barrier up. it wasn't a full bubble, but it was all that i could muster, given that i had nothing in my stomach to convert chemical energy with.

the villain jumped over my shield and behind me, grabbing me by my collar and yanking me up. he used his attack on my back, but i put up a weak light armour piece.

"you have no scars, lets match!"

i felt him burn through it and burn the main part of the middle of the right side of my back.

it hurt. a lot.

and i let out a pained, high-pitched scream, which paired tith the sick laugh that the villain let out as be burnt through my flesh.

he threw me aside like a rag doll and turned his attention to endeavor, who was still zoned out. but before he could attack him too, he was tied by some wire.

"sorry i'm late." best jeanist said, holding each of the villains with his quirk.

ataraxia (izuku midoriya x reader) (on hiatus) Where stories live. Discover now