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wandering alone.

i've always liked being alone when traveling. it made me feel free. like i could do what i pleased and no one could stop me.

that did not seem to be the case today, seeing as midoriya was accompanying togata to mirai's agency.

i awkwardly sat on the train, with togata next to me, and midoriya next to him.

"so, you coming to sir's agency too?" the blonde boy smiled at me, "yeah." i said awkwardly. "wowie! do you want me to introduce you too?" he beamed. "no, I'm good. mira-- nighteye already agreed to take me on. we just need to do the paperwork."

his agency was an hour trainride away from UA. a pretty building painted white and grey. while togata and midoriya were chatting outside, i calmly walked in on my own, dismissing the concerned look i got from the green haired boy.

i went straight up to his office, already familiar with the hallways of the building, as i spent many afternoons there in my elementary and middleschool years.

i knocked and entered after hearing a soft 'come in' from inside.

"mirai!" i smiled and hugged the tall man with a true grin. i hadn't seen him in ages. "y/n," he squeezed the life out of me and set me down. he then held a hand above my head. "did you grow?" i nodded. "a full two centimeters!"

he nodded with a small grin and sat down. "alright, give me the paper, let me stamp it."

i handed him the paper from my bag and he put a red stamp on it. just as he did, midoriya and mirio entered the office. mirai handed me my papednand i placed it back into my bag then bowed at him.

"thank you so much for taking me on."

"wow, that was quick."

mirai stared at midoriya and after a moment his face changed to a scowl. i turned and looked at what upset him.

there it was. the comedy gold that i was waiting for my entire life. i let out a wheeze of laughter as i pulled out my phone, snapping a photo of this golden moment.

tears were streaming down my face as i fell to my knees, holding my stomach.

"mido- midoriya, what is this?! HAAAA- HAHAHAHAHAHAH!" i was losing it, but mirai and togata were both dead silent.

i was helped out of the office by togata and bubble girl.


after midoriya got his place at the agency, we all went back to the dorms. while midoriya was getting praised by the class forgetting a roll at the agency, i went up ro my room to continue reading my book.

just a little after, bakugou entered my room with a can of soda.

he scrunched his nose when he liiked around my room, "jeez, it smells like fucking flowers in here." he grimaced. i didn't look up from my reading, "if you dont like it, you can leave. its my room."

the blonde clicked his tongue. "whatever."

he slumped down and sat on my floor with his legs sprawled against my carpet.

"what do you think of deku getting a workstudy at the same place as you? pisses you off, huh?" he said, his gruff voice sounding through my room.

i kept my eyes on the pages i was reading. "im not thrilled, but he was bound to impress mirai. he outshines me anyway." i inquired, turning the page of my book.

i heard a grunt from bakugou. "no the fuck he doesn't."

i looked up from the page at him, he was already looking at me. "he stole my dad. of course he's better than me." i told him and looked back at the words on the pages, "and if youre gonna cuss like that in my room, I'd rather you leave."

yes, i cuss, but not like a sailor. i basically just use shit, damn and bitch. and even then, not that much.

i didn't enjoy cussing. it made me sound a bit unintelligent. and i am a person with class and braincells.

bakugou stood and took my book from my hands. he was rather gentle in doing this, somehow.

he read the front cover and then the back cover, i watched as he did so. "romance." he smirked.

i snatched the book back from him and sent a small light ray to his left pinky toe, causing him to jump back. "yes, im a girl who reads romance, shocker. go away boom boom boy." i said as i lazered his toes with tiny light rays, having him almost hop out of my room.

bakugou was weird. he gave me dirty looks at lunch and sometimes in class. other times hed gave me the finger if i pushed past him. his glares could kill a puppy. he had a violent, uncontrolled temper which sent him literally insane when he was annoyed,

but he was my friend.

i would oficially start my work study tomorrow, and i needed to sleep.

ataraxia (izuku midoriya x reader) (on hiatus) Where stories live. Discover now