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the fear of losing someone you love

after i sealed the entrance, i joined in the fight against chisaki with mirai. i shot him with light beams, causing the skin that absorbed it to burn. i made sure not to burn him to a lethal level.

he tried to kill me with his deconstruction thing, but i made a forcefield bubble around me with a smirk "why arent you dead?! this bubble should desintegrate!" he growled at me

"the law of conservation of energy." i said, blasting him with a light beam. "energy can neither be created nor destroyed!"

i was giving a grown man a physics lesson while engaged in physical combat with him.

I'm so cool.

i created a constant shield around my entire body, armour of light.

and i created a new special move! i really am cool.

i landed a harsh kick to chisaki's abdomen, but he took me in his hand and flung me away. i went through the hall and landed near eri and lemillion, "ligera!" the blonde boy yelped as i got up, uninjured.

they were still really close. "get to safety, you two!" i said as i looked back to the battle. but i froze when i saw an awful sight. mirai was skewered by a spike. i felt like i was going to vomit.

lemillion looked back and tears welled up in his eyes. as eri turned, i stood in front of her to block her field of vision. "lets get you out of here. its all gonna be fine." i put up the best smile i would muster.

i have her hand to lemilion and told him to move as fast as he could.

then i went back to the fight, blinded by anger.

i forgot to put up my armour of light as i charged forth and got grazed by a spike on my side. it was deep, but i didn't care. my energy was driven by anger and my eyes glowed cool white light.

there was an energy field around me, purging any matter that came into contact with it. tears welled up in my eyes as i started blasting him with wthe most powerful type of energy i could convert, pure white energy.

it didn't seem to do much, so i resorted to heat energy, then light, then electrical.

it did damage, but not enough. he sent me flying back by shoving me away with the rock he was using as his weapons.

i landed harshly on the ground, my power burst now over. midoriya started fighting him when i stopped. i didn't even care. i was faint and tired. i was crying. i was injured. i was worried.

but i got up.

and i leapt forward.

just before i reached chisaki, i heard a small voice telling us to stop. i fell to the ground, on my knees. "I'll come back. but if i do, i want you to make them all better again."

her voice quivered, breaking my heart as i wiped my tears. "no, were here to save you." midoriya said. "yeah," i joined in activating my quirk once more. "were not gonna let you back into that hell."

i attacked chisaki again, blasting him with an energy ray.

i jumped back when ryukyu fell through the roof, and went to mirai's aid. uraraka and tsu came to us and hepled me stabilize him. a sudden wave of exhaustion hit me as my wounds stained my white suit a deep red, but i ignored it, standing once again.

i gave uraraka some of my energy, as well as tsu. "its not much, but it'll give you some strength." i told the girl clad in pink. "thank you," she smiled. i went back to mirai as he told tsu to go help lemillion.

he told me and uraraka to help him up to the surface, which i gladly would have helped.

she made mirai weightless, and herself aswell. them i flew us up to go get an ambulance.

when we found one, the paramedics almost had a heart attack at the sight of mirai. i simply gave them to him and headed back, despite my injuries. i had to help anyone who was still fighting.

i flew over, seeing that chisaki was unconscious and midoriya was still fine.

i flew down and helped sweep the area for injured people. i walked to an ambulance, coughing up some blood.

"holy crap! are you okay?" midoriya questioned with a worried expression on his face. "yes, i normally spurt blood from my abdomen," i grunted, holding onto my side. he slung my arm around his shoulder and picked me up effortlessly.

 "i got you, chuzuki." he told me and placed me on the stretcher.

then, i was loaded into the ambulance.

everything started getting fuzzy around me as the paramedics treated my wounds best they could.

"she has some organ damage, a cracked patella and a broken humerus." one medic stated,

"make sure to relocate her humerus and put pressure on her abdomen to stop the bleeding."

i felt a lot of pain in my arm, then everything went black.

ataraxia (izuku midoriya x reader) (on hiatus) Where stories live. Discover now