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promoting peace

heroes are irenic... most of them. seeing as we are all aiming at a similar goal; peace.

i listened intently as mirai explained what we were doing. we were scouting the area, looking for yakuza. mainly one gang, some bird mask guy's gang who had been causing some trouble, selling drugs and such.

sir said that we'll split onto three teams, midoriya and togata, me and bubble girl and himself alone.

bubble girl and i walked down the street, calmly waving at bystanders and civilians,

it was overall uneventful, so i decided to get some food for us. "hey, bubble, want some yakitori?" i suggested. she enthusiastically nodded. "hey, i forgot to ask, whats your code name? just so i can know what to call you, y'know?" she stated.

"Oh! i haven't thought to tell you. my hero name is ligera, it means 'light' in spanish." i said sheepishly. and she gave me a big grin as she was handed our food. i quickly paid and we left, munching on our food.

just minutes later, i got a phonecall from an unknown number. i calmly answered. "y/n, hello."

"chuzuki! we made contact with the target, we have to go to the meetup point. togata is already contacting sir nighteye."

it was midoriya. "mkay." i replied and hung up. then, i looked to bubblegirl, "lets go to the meetup point." i told her.


"I'm sorry, it was a total slip up. what are the odds of that." togata stated. "its my fault, i should've used foresight on you too.." mirai calmed the boy.

"im just glad you are okay, if he suspected something, you guys couldve been in real danger.

i kept quiet, continuing to eat my yakitori. the rain had started just minutes ago, so i had made a small energy shield to act as an umbrella.

i tuned out when midoriya started speaking, not wanting to hear his voice.

after a little bit, we began walking back to the agency. midoriya was actimg emo the whole way back home for some reason.

maybe i shouldn't have tuned out him talking.... oh well.


i laid on my bed, my purifier on and making my room smell amazing.

bakugou entered just as i laid comfortable. a groan leaving my throat as he plopped down on my bed.

"shut up!" he barked at me.

i held my hands up, creating a cross, "vile wench! may the power of Christ compell thee!" i shouted, earning a big eye roll from the boy. he seemed to have been beat up. from the license training.

he opened my mini fridge, appropriating a strawberry milk from it.

"you hoe! don't steal from my fridge!"

i threw him with a pillow, which he simply caught with his free hand.

he then gently set the milk down on my dresser, then he pounced on me, shoving the pillow into my face, trying to suffocate me.

"I'm not stealing, im just taking without asking." he grunted as i striggled beneath the pillow. when i finally got a good grip on it, i moved it away from my face.

"thats the definition of stealing, genius."

"y/n! do you wanna cuddle puddle in the club room-- oh."

i looked over to the door and saw mina looking at me and bakugou with wide eyes. she then gave me and awkward toothy grin, "i see you're busy.... im just gonna go.." she started slowly backing out of my room, so i kicked bakugou off of me, and jumped up from my bed.

"no, I'm free, i can totally cuddle puddle."

she sprinted out of my room, leaving me there with the explosive boy.

"why'd you kick me?!" he grumbled. standing up from his position on my floor. "shut up boom boom boy." i voiced, starting to shoo him out of my room like the nasty little rat he was.

"you first, lightsaber." he shot back before i closed the door in front of his beat-up face.


i sat in my seat, playing a game on my phone while the class. midoriya was still acting emo as ever. he was zoned out and quiet as mineta was pestering him about the work-study.

meanwhile, i saw some of the girls looking at me and giggling and whispering. seeing that, i got up and walked across the class toward them

"hey.. what the issue?" i asked shyly, picking at my fingernails. they all looked at each other, and i didn't know what to think.

"are you an bakugou dating?"

i choked.

mina was the one who asked the question, so i gave her a disgusted look. "God, no. why would you think that?"

"well he was on top of you and it looked like you were getting it on-" i let out a scoff, cutting het off, "he was suffocating me with a pillow because he stole from my mini fridge."

she looked at me with a dumbfounded expression, "oh. that makes sense."


for the entire day, midoriya was out of it. even during training. i had to dig deep into my subconscious as to why he was.

it seems that he was worried for chisaki's daughter. and for something mirai must have said to him while they were alone in the office.

i saw him running off into the woods after school, probably to go find my dad for some successor bullshit.

an hour or so later, when i was out for a run, midoriya zoomed towards me, looking pretty pressed about something.

"chuzuki!! wait up!!" he yelled and i stopped only for him to stop in front of my just second later. "what do you want?" i asked calmly and continued jogging. he ran beside me.

"All might told me most of what happened with nighteye, but i want to know more." he said. "what? you already know what you need? all i know is that they broke off connections after that fight with all for one." i shrugged.

"yeah but what after that? you never lost connection with nighteye?" the greenette pressed, causing me to scowl at him.

"my dad gave me a fake surname when i started school. he was always out playing symbol of peace, never having time for me. during the day, I'd go to school, after that, either nighteye or gran torino would babysit me if they had time. my dad would get home after i slept and hed be gone again before i woke up." i said.

i felt the boy's eyes peer into my soul as i slightly opened up.

"i barely knew what he looked like out of his muscle form up until i was ten, when he got his injury." i knew i sounded unbothered, but this ate me up on the inside daily.

i stopped running and scowled at midoriya, all the hatred in my soul directed into one look. i felt tears well up in my angry eyes.

"thats why i dislike you."

his face held surprise, but he couldn't speak.

i then used my quirk and flew to the dorms. i didn't want to deal with midoriya. or anyone. i locked my door and went to bed without dinner.

ataraxia (izuku midoriya x reader) (on hiatus) Where stories live. Discover now