Chapter fifty-eight - Voting

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'You need to let go of it, Nora.' Logan whispered at dinner. 'We're not going to do it behind his back. It's against the rules and I don't feel like fighting with him again.'


'I agree with Logan.' Minho interrupted me. 'He's right.'

'I'm not going to stop trying because Newt doesn't want me to be a Runner.' I said.

'I like your mindset, but no, we're not going to lie to him.' Minho commented.

'Just for one day. We can tell him once I'm a Runner.'

'We can't decide without him.' Minho sternly said.

'And what if Alby wakes up? Then Newt's not the leader anymore.' I didn't give up.

'We'll just-.'

Logan stopped talking when Newt sat down next to Minho.

'Newt-.' I started.

'You're not going to be a Runner.' He said before I even could finish my sentence.

'I didn't even finish my sentence.' I bit my lip.

'You're not going to be a Runner.' Newt repeated.

'You're overreacting.' I commented.

'Newt,' Minho started, this time Newt didn't interrupt. 'We can have a gathering about it and see what happens.'

Newt hesitated.

'Well?' I asked impatiently.

'Fine.' Newt sighed.

'Thank you!' I smiled and Newt frowned at my happiness. At least I didn't have to lie to him.

'After dinner.' Minho decided.

'After dinner?' Newt repeated.

'Yes.' Minho said.

'Can I be there?' Logan asked.

'No.' Newt immediately replied.

'Yes.' I said at the same time.

Newt glanced at me. 'Logan is not going to be there.'

I expected Logan to start arguing, but he didn't. When I wanted to, he stopped me. 'It's fine.' Logan quietly said.


'Quiet everyone!' Newt tried to draw everyone's attention in the gathering hut. 'We're here to decide if Nora is going to be a Runner or not. As you might've noticed, she wants to be one.' He paused. 'We're all going to vote. Nora gets to say why she wants to be one and why y'all have to vote for her.' Newt explained.

I could see on Newt's face he didn't like all the formal stuff.

'Nora.' Newt motioned for me to talk and leaned against the wall.

'Just as Thomas, I survived a night in the maze. He gets to be a Runner, and I don't.' I started. 'I don't care if it's because I'm a girl or whatever reason. There are only three Runners left, Minho, Logan, and Thomas. We're close to escaping, so wouldn't it be great to have another Runner?' I paused again. 'That was it.' I looked at Newt, who was frowning.

'Anyone wanna add something?' He looked at the Keepers.

Minho raised his hand.

'Yes, Minho.' Newt said, clearly annoyed. He knew Minho was going to help me.

'She killed a Griever just like Thomas.' Minho said. 'She survived a night in the maze without getting hurt. When I ran away, she kept helping Alby. I don't know if she can be a Runner, but we'll never know if we don't let her try.'

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