Chapter eleven - Punishment

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Newt's POV

When I woke up Nora was still asleep. For once she looked peaceful. Her breaths were steady and her eyes were closed.

Why didn't I lock Adam up better? Why didn't I stay with Nora? I could have prevented all this.

I remembered her screams from the previous night, they were heartbreaking. Her arm was covered with dry blood and deep cuts. He did that to her, and he was gonna pay for that. I didn't care what the others thought about it, I was gonna get him banished.

I noticed Nora slowly opening her eyes and she looked at me.

'Hey, you okay?' I asked, a little worried about her.

'I think so.' She said quietly. 'But my arm hurts.' She looked at the deep cuts. 'He did that. Where is he? Is he locked up? Do the others know?' Nora started asking question like crazy.

'Hey, hey.' I laid my hand down on her shoulder. 'Gally took care of Adam, okay? You're safe.' I saw her eyes get watery again and tried to comfort her. 'Do you wanna clean yourself up? Or do you want to sleep?' I asked a little unsure.

'Cleaning up would be nice.' She replied.

'Alright.' I got out of the bed. 'I'll wait here until you got dressed, okay?' I walked out of the hut and closed the door behind me. For a few minutes I stood in front of the door until I heard Nora say she was done. I opened the door again. She was wearing one of my beige sweaters and grey sweatpants.

'Do you want to go to the Med-jacks? I don't think they know what happened yet.'

'Okay. Let's go to the Med-jacks.' We started walking to the med-hut. Most people were already working and others were eating breakfast.

I opened the door to the med-hut and let Nora in. 

'Hey.' I greeted the two Med-jacks. 'Can you guys treat Nora?' I looked at her.

'Yeah.' Clint motioned for a chair, where Nora could sit on. 'Where's your injury?' He looked at Nora.

'Here.' She rolled her sleeve up and revealed the deep cuts. Jeff almost gasped and Clint's eyes opened wide.

'What happened?' He asked while grabbing some things off the table.

Nora hesitated for a minute. 'He tried again.' She didn't seem to like talking about it.

'Where is he now?' Jeff looked at me.

'Gally took care of him. Probably in the pit again or somethin'. I don't know if Alby knows about it yet.'

'This is gonna sting.' Clint wet a cotton pad and moved it over Nora's arm, who winced slightly. 'Sorry.' Clint removed the cotton pad and grabbed some bandages. 'We're gonna have a gathering about this, right?' He asked while bandaging Nora up.

'We have to.' I rubbed my chin.

'I say we banish him immediately.' Jeff said and me and Clint both agreed.

'All done.' Clint threw the dirty things away and got up from the chair. 'Are you doing okay?'

'Yeah.' Nora looked down.

'Let's get you something to eat.' I looked at Nora who just nodded.

'We'll see you later.' I gave the boys a nod and grabbed Nora's hand. A weird feeling went trough my body, but I ignored it. 'How's your arm?' I asked a little awkwardly.

'It's alright.' Nora said as she held my hand. Frypan handed us our plate with food and smiled.

'Morning.' He greeted us.

'Hey, Fry.' I grabbed the plates. 'Thanks.'

A little unsure Nora looked at the boys who were having breakfast.

'Do you wanna join Minho?' I looked at Minho who was sitting all alone.

'Sure.' We started walking over to him.

'Hey gu- Jesus what happened to your arm?' Minho looked at Nora's arm, which was completely covered in bandages.

Nora shrugged a little and sat down. Minho gave me a confused look.

'Did he-.' He questioned and I gave him a nod. 'When?'

'Last night.' Nora looked at the table.

'He needs to be banished.' Minho immediately said. 'Where's Alby?'

'I don't know. With Gally maybe.'

'You okay, Nora?' Minho looked at her before getting up and Nora nodded. 'I'm gonna talk to Alby, alright?'

We said goodbye and I looked at Nora. She looked much better then before. She easily finished the sandwich on her plate and so did I.

'Guys,' Gally walked over to us. 'We're having a gathering. Adam is gonna be at the gathering too.' Gally looked at Nora. 'Do you wanna come?'

She thought for a second. 'No, thank you.' She eventually replied.

'Okay. Newt we need to go.' Gally motioned for me to come with him.

'Will you be okay?' I looked at Nora as I got up.

'Yeah. I'll go to the Med-jacks or something.' She smiled lightly and said goodbye.

'What'd you do to Adam yesterday?' I asked Gally while walking towards the gathering hut.

'Gave him some good punches and then threw him in the pit. I locked it up very well and stayed there the whole night.'

'Well, he deserved it.' I replied.

'Yeah. I don't know what exactly happened last night, but it was not good. I heard lots of screams. Whatever he did to her, he's gonna pay for it.'

'It was horrible. I heard the screams too and ran over to her hut.' I shivered thinking about what has happened.

'There they are.' Alby said once me and Gally arrived in the gathering hut. 'Sit down.' He motioned for Gally to sit down on his chair.

All the Keepers were sitting on their usuals chairs, and Adam sat in the middle of the hut. Only looking at him gave me an awful and angry feeling.

'Adam.' Alby started. 'You touched Nora, again.' He looked at Adam.

'Not only that.' I said. 'He had a knife and cut her multiple times.'

Some Keepers gasped and others seemed shocked.

'We obviously need to give you a punishment.' Alby sternly said. 'Everyone will give their own suggestion. We'll start with Clint.'

Everyone looked at Clint as he started talking. 'Obviously it's really bad what Adam has done. The fact that we punished him and he still he tried again makes is worse. He hurt Nora. I say we banish him.'

Some people started whispering and others seemed to agree.

'Minho, what do you think?' Alby looked at the Runner.

'I totally agree with Clint. What Adam did was inappropriate and horrible. We need to banish him.' Minho said with a serious tone.

'Frypan?' Alby asked.

'Adam, I really thought you would've learned from your first mistake. You didn't. You only made things worse. I don't know what exactly happened, but banishing seems like the right option.'


After a while it was decided. Adam was gonna get banished. He denied, but no one believed him.

I walked out of the gathering hut and headed off to the Med-jacks.

'Morning, Jeff.' I walked into the med-hut. 'Hey, Nora.' I sat down next to her. 'Adam's punishment is decided.'

Nora looked up. 'What is it?'

'He's getting banished in the afternoon.'

Nora's face turned pale. 'Banished?'

'Yeah. He's going into the maze.'

'Okay.' She quietly said, still a little pale.

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