Chapter fifteen - Remembered

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TW- Self-harm. (From now on this subject will be in a lot of chapters. It still goes on in the sequels, since it's a serious subject. Just wanted to warn you! Take care everyone ❤️
If you ever need help, my messages are always open <3)


Why are the two of you here? Why aren't y'all with us and the others?' Newt looked at Thomas and Teresa.

Teresa gave Thomas a quick glance before he replied. 'We're working on a project.' Thomas said. Thomas and Teresa didn't share much else about their 'project'.

The kids continued talking for a while until Alby decided to go back.

'We'll see you guys later.' Nora whispered before closing the door behind her.

'Let's go back.' Alby started walking away, and Minho and Nora followed. Newt hesitated.

'Guys?' He asked quietly.

'Yeah?' Nora stopped walking and turned around.

'Can we go see Lizzy?' Newt asked.

'Newt, we talked about thi-'

'Sure.' Nora interrupted Alby and they started walking toward group B's section.

'This way.' Newt lead the way through the building until they arrived at a closed door, with a small window. 'Here she is.' Newt whispered. He looked through the window, and so did Nora. She could see a small girl under the blanket. Her breaths were steady and she had blonde braids in her hair.

'I want to talk to her.' Newt said, before letting out a small cry.

Nora immediately felt sorry for Newt and his sister. 'We can't, Newt.' She put her arm around Newt. 'I'm sorry.'

Newt had been missing his sister, Lizzy. He would go see her almost every night and Nora had noticed how sad he was.

Slowly Newt moved closer to Nora until they were hugging. Nora felt her shoulder get wet as Newt's shoulders were shaking. She gently rubbed his back until he calmed down.

'Guys, we have to go now.' Minho said, in a hurry. The two kids let go of each other and followed Minho and Alby.

After ten minutes they all arrived in their rooms safely. Nora lay down in her bed and stared at the ceiling, thinking about everything that had happened in the last years. She mostly thought about Newt, they had a different connection than she had with Alby or Minho. She felt safe whenever she was close to him.

Slowly her thoughts drifted off to their past. Especially Newt's past hurt her. He had told her about it. Guards had broke into his house and they shot his parents. At first, they only wanted to take his sister, but eventually, they took the broken boy too.

Nora couldn't help but feel guilty. In her past, no one was murdered, and she still had her cousin. Newt didn't, he had no family left. Nora was always thinking about this, about how it was unfair. She always felt guilty.

Just like she did every night, she got out of her bed and walked over to a small drawer, in the corner of her white room. Quietly, so no one else would hear it, she opened it and grabbed the sharp part of a pencil sharpener. She had taken the sharpener from her class and she broke it, so only the sharp part was left.

She rolled her sleeve up and slowly trailed the sharp metal down her wrist, leaving a deep cut. It hurt but also felt good. She sighed in relief. Every time she did this she felt relieved like all the emotions were just gone. She put the sharpener back and put pressure on the cut, to stop the bleeding.

Before getting back in her bed she realized how stupid it was to cut herself. She realized it every night, but she couldn't stop hurting herself, it became a habit. She looked at the old scars she made and she slowly moved her hand on them.

Then she drifted off to sleep...


I had to blink a few times before getting used to the bright light around me. I couldn't remember what had happened. Suddenly I heard voices.

'She's waking up.' Someone said.


'Took long enough.'

'She scared the hell out of me.'

'Yeah, what happened?'

I heard different voices around me talking.

'Shut your holes for a second!' I recognized Alby's voice and everyone stayed silent.

Slowly my vision started to get less blurry and I recognized multiple faces. Newt, Gally, Logan, Jeff, Clint, Minho, and Alby. I was lying in one of the med beds.

'What happened?' I asked when I saw all of them standing around me. 'Why are there so many people here?' I sat up straight. 'Why are all of you here?' I looked at the boys.

'Jezus christ, you scared the hell out of us.' Minho said.

'Yeah, what were you doing?'

'You've been lying here all day.'

I only got more confused by everything they said.

'Guys! Slim it!' Alby yelled again.

'What happened, love?' Newt bend down next to me and I felt a warm feeling in my stomach when he said love.

'I don't know.' I shrugged. 'Why am I here? What happened? Why is everyone here?'

Clint frowned a little. 'So you don't remember what happened?' He asked.

'No, so is anyone gonna explain?'

'Alright, alright.' Logan stepped closer to me. 'We were having breakfast together and out of sudden you collapsed onto the floor.'

And then I remembered it again. I remembered the memories I had got about Newt, his sister, two strange kids who I didn't know, and about myself, about me cutting my wrist. I got a weird feeling in my stomach when I thought about all of this, especially the last thing.

'Okay.' I replied, acting as normal as possible.

'Do you know what happened?' Gally asked.

'No.' I lied, shaking my head.

I saw Newt frowning for a second, but then he looked normal again. 'At least you're awake now. You got us bloody worried.' He got up.

'You feelin' okay?' Jeff looked at me.

'Yeah.' I replied.

After everyone except for the two Med-jacks had left, I got out of the bed. Without them noticing I moved my sleeve and looked at my wrist. I almost gasped when I saw the damage. The scars on my wrist were hard to see, and you had to look really closely to notice them, but they were definitely there.

A little shocked I covered the scars with my sleeve again.

'Time for dinner, Greenie.' Clint got up from his chair.

'Dinner? I've been out the whole day?' I asked, surprised.

'Yeah. Let's go.' Jeff replied.

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