Chapter nine - Gathering

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Newt's POV

The next day me and Gally sat in Nora's hut. The two of us were the only ones who knew what had happened with Adam and Nora.

'We need to tell Alby.' I looked at Nora who was sitting on her bed. She had dark bags around her eyes and looked like she didn't sleep for a second. 'We need to have a gathering about this and decide what we do with Adam. We can't do that if Alby doesn't know what happened.'

'I agree with Newt. We need to punish him. If it's up to me I say he gets banished.' Gally added.

'It's fine, you can tell Alby.' Nora said. 'But I'd rather not have the whole Glade to know.'

'That won't happen. I say we tell Alby and then see what he says, but the other Keepers need to decide his punishment too.' Gally looked at Nora.

'Okay,' Nora agreed. 'But I don't want to be at the gathering.' She looked down.

'You won't have to.' Gally replied. 'You can just stay in your hut, if you're okay with that?'

Nora nodded and me and Gally got up. 'We'll talk to Alby and have a gathering. We will tell you what happened after, okay?' Gally asked Nora.


Gally walked out of the hut.

'Are you okay?' I sat down on the bed.

'I think so. I just hope Adam doesn't do it again.' Nora seemed a little nervous.

'It won't happen again, okay?' I said and Nora nodded. I laid my hand down on hers and a weird, but good feeling flowed trough my body. 'Well, I uhm, I guess I'm going to Gally now.' I quickly got up and walked out of the hut.

I wanted to punish Adam for what he did. He couldn't just do things like that. I felt like I had to protect Nora. There was something about her which I really liked. She made me happier then I was before. I've never been really happy in the Glade. I mean, who would be happy in a bloody maze? But the others still seemed happier then I ever was. I just had an empty feeling inside me. I've always had that feeling and now the feeling was getting less empty, because of her.

After Minho had safed me from my jump, I was mad. I didn't want to live in the stupid place anymore. The feeling got even worse and worse, until Nora arrived in the Glade. She made all of it seem less horrifying, less terrible. Now and then I still had some days were the empty feeling was worse then other days, but she made it a little better.

'Is it true?' Alby saw me walking towards him and Gally. 'Is it true what Gally told me?'

'Yes. Where is Adam?' I asked.

'He's in the Pit.'

'Alby, we need to have a gathering about this. Adam needs to be punished for this.' Gally looked at Alby.

'Okay then. The Runners have a day off today, so all the Keepers are here. I'll see you guys in ten minutes.' Alby commanded. 'Is Nora okay now?' He asked before walking away.

'Yes,' I replied. 'I think so.'


'Something inappropriate has happened, and we are having this gathering to discuss it.' Alby started. All the Keepers were sitting on their chairs, while me and Alby stood in front of them.

'What happened?' Winston folded his arms.

Alby gave me a hesitated look before answering. 'Someone touched the girl.'

'It isn't that weird to touch someone, so why do we need to have this gathering?' Billy, the Keeper of the Baggers, asked. 'What's so bad about the fact that someone touched her?'

'What do you think, dumbass?' I raised my voice. 'You think we're having a whole shuckin' gathering because some shank touched her arm?!'

Billy wanted to say something else, but a glance from Gally stopped him.

'Guys, we're not here to argue about this. We need to punish the person who touched Nora.' Alby said.

'I say he goes in the pit for two months, with a maximum amount of food.' Gally looked at Alby.

'Two months? Do you know how long that is?! We don't even exactly know what happened or who it was.' Billy mentioned.

'We know who it was and what he did, Billy. Nora told us. It was Adam.' Alby's voice was still calm, while I felt myself get angry at Billy.

'Maybe she lied.'

'Why would she lie about something like that?' Gally's tone wasn't nice either.

'I don't know. Maybe she just wants attention?' Billy argued.

'She would never say something like that when she wants attention!' Gally shouted.

'Can we just stop arguing about this? This whole gathering is about a punishment for Adam, not deciding if she lied or not!' I raised my voice again.

'Newt's right. We need to punish Adam.' Alby agreed with me.

'One month in the pit.' Minho suddenly said. He had been quiet the whole gathering and finally said something. 'If he does it again he gets a worse punishment.'

'Okay. Let's just stop all the arguing and vote. Raise your hand if you're with Minho.' Alby said.

Everyone except for Billy raised their hand.

'Well, then it's decided. He stays in the pit for a month without much food. We'll alternate who gives him the food.' Alby said. 'The gathering is done.' He walked out of the hut.

I sat down on a chair and waited for all the boys to leave. After a while they all walked out of the hut, except for Minho.

'I didn't know that had happened.' He sighed and sat down next to me. 'How'd you find out?'

'She told us. There is no way she is lying. You should've seen her. She's telling the truth, I know it.'

'I believe you.' Minho replied. 'How's she doing now?'

'She looks a little tired, but I think she's okay.' I answered.

'Adam didn't-' Minho hesitated for a moment. 'He didn't.. succeed- He didn't succeed what he was trying to do, right?' It was a little confusing what Minho asked, but I knew exactly what he meant.

'No. I don't think so, at least. She didn't tell us with very much detail, but no, I don't think he did.'

It still felt awful to talk about what had happened to Nora. How could someone be so cruel to do something like that? And especially to such a kind girl.

'I'm gonna go, bye.' Minho got up and walked away

After a while I decided to go check up on Nora. It was already getting dark outside and a few boys were having dinner. I walked over to her hut and knocked on the door. I waited for a few seconds, but there was no reaction. I knocked again, but still no reaction.

A little hesitated I opened the door. I saw Nora lying under her blanket, she was asleep. Relieved I closed the door again.

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