Chapter fifty-seven - Runner

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'Should we get breakfast?' I asked Newt the next morning.

'You go already, I'm gonna check on Alby.' Newt replied.

'Do I need to come with you?' I questioned.

'No, I'll see you in a minute, okay?'

'Alright.' I gave Newt a nod and got myself some breakfast. Minho was sitting on his own, so I decided to join him.

'Can I join?' I asked, just like I used to do when I was the Greenie.

'Of course.' Minho motioned at the seat in front of him.

'Thanks.' I smiled and sat down.

'You know you don't have to ask that and say thank you?' Minho looked at me with a grin on his face.

'I'll keep that in mind.' I laughed. The conversation was exactly like the one we had a few weeks ago.

'Where's Newt?' Minho wondered.

'Checkin' on Alby.' I replied. 'Why?'

'I don't know.' Minho shrugged. 'Most of the time he's with you so I was just wondering.'

I didn't respond and ate my food in silence.

'Nora?' Minho suddenly asked. I looked up and saw that Minho's grin had disappeared and his face was serious.


'Are you okay?'

Minho's question surprised me. I knew he cared about me and others, but even though he knew about my cutting he never really said anything about it. I liked that about him. He was fun and nice to talk to, but could be very serious.

'I think I am.' I replied.

Minho raised his eyebrows. 'You think?'

'I'm okay.' I said confidently.

Minho hesitated for a few seconds. 'Have you stopped doing it? Cutting, I mean.'

'I'm trying.' I shrugged.

'I think you're doing great.' Minho commented. Again, he surprised me. I gave him a big, honest smile and continued eating. After a while, Logan joined us.

'Morning.' He groaned, obviously still tired. The dark bags around his eyes made it very clear.

'How'd you sleep?' Minho asked as if he read my mind.

'Not very good.' He muttered and rubbed his eyes, trying to get the sleep out. 'I had a nightmare.'

'Do you want to talk about it?' I asked, genuinely caring about Logan.

'I was running in the maze with Minho, Thomas, and you.' He looked at me. 'And we wanted to get in section seven, but again, it was closed. A Griever appeared behind us and then..' Logan trailed off.

'Are you okay now?' I asked. I knew what it was like to have nightmares, not so much fun. If only then I knew what was going to happen to me in a few days..

'Yes.' Logan seemed to be honest.

'Guys?' I asked after a few seconds of silence.

They both looked up and waited for me to continue.

'Both of you are Runners, so can't y'all do something so I can be one too?' I asked.

The two boys hesitated. 'We can try.' Minho said.

'You said that multiple times but you never did.' I commented sternly.

'We could have a gathering.' Logan suggested. 'But the chances are low you're gonna be a Runner.'

𝐑𝐞𝐝𝐚𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐲 - Maze Runner, NewtWhere stories live. Discover now