Ch 28

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Carrie woke up and showered, she couldn't get Brad off her mind. She had to talk to him. She grabbed her phone and laid on the bed. She dialed Brad's number and waited till she heard Brad's voice. But she never did, she then called Miranda,

Miranda: hello

Carrie: sorry for waking you up but Brad doesn't answer his phone.

Miranda: its ok I was just watching tv. Let me check if he's awake.

Carrie: ok thanks!

She walked into the guest bedroom where Brad stayed but it was empty. Brad wasn't there and it looked like if no one ever had touched the bed.

Miranda: Carrie, Brad isn't in bed! Let me check if his truck is here!

She went into the back and noticed that Brad's truck was gone. She ran to the front and nothing.

Miranda: Care he's not here! He left!

Carrie: what!!! Oh my god!!

Miranda: I'll ask Blake if he knows anything! I'll text you in a bit.

They hung up and Carrie continued to make breakfast with her mother. Carol knew everything that was going but she didn't say anything. Carrie then called the hotel where Brad has his suite. She asked if he had checked in but they said that he didn't.

Brad's pov...

Brad was parked on hill close to his home. He was laying in the back of his truck on the tailgate with his hat over his face. His had been off since he left to Blake's. He began to think of Carrie and his kids. His future with her but then he thought of the slap he was given by her. He was furious with her but at same time he had to put himself in her shoes. But he didn't care anymore about he had to pack and leave to Seattle for his concert. He got back inside the truck and drove back home.
He walked inside and headed up straight to his bedroom. He grabbed a luggage bag from the closet and began to pack. Carrie opened the door and saw Brad packing. She immediately began to cry and screamed, "Brad please don't leave! I'm sorry!" Brad ignored her and continued until Carrie grabbed his wrist and then his side. She then put both of her hands on his cheeks and made them stare into eachother's eyes.

Carrie: Brad I'm sorry! I know why you didn't tell about your tour! I'm so sorry Brad! Don't leave! I don't want to live knowing that your not here with me!

Brad: Carrie just stop!

Carrie: what do I have to do to make you believe me!

Brad: Care let me go now!!!

He grabbed her hands and lowered them down. He then closed the bag and grabbed it from the bed and walked over to the door.

Carrie: Brad please!

She fell onto her knees and put her hands over her face. Brad couldn't see her like this. He walked over to her and picked her up.

Brad: I'm not leaving! I have a booking tomorrow! I'll be back in 2 days!

Carrie: does that mean...

Brad: I don't know! Carrie if you know that I love you as much as I do, why would you ever think that I would cheat on you! Especially with Kim! I just.... I just don't know what to do. I know that I didn't trust before when I saw you and Mike here kissing. But when did I even hurt you! I didn't slap you, push you, or even screamed at you! I have to go!

He walked over to Isaiah and gave him a kiss on the forehead and said, "Love you little buddy! Take care of your mom!"

Carrie instantly began to cry even more when she heard him say that, she watched Brad walk out the room.
He then headed to Huck and Jasper and gave them a kiss and hug. He then got into his truck and took off to a small airport in Brentwood where his jet was waiting for him.

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