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Brad leaned in and kissed Carrie's forehead. Chills went down Carrie's body, he had never kissed her before until now. "Goodnight Care!" he said and walked out the room and then to his car.
"Omg did Brad just kissed me?? she thought. She loved his kiss and she even wanted it on her lips but then she thought of Mike. "I love Mike and now I think I love Brad. But with Brad I feel so different than with Mike. Its like I feel much safer with him than with Mike. Whenever I needed someone Brad was there" she thought. A couple minutes later Mike came into the room and fell asleep right away. "No kiss or no goodnight??" Carrie said to herself.

Brad's pov
" Why did I kiss her in the forehead, why didn't I kiss her lips instead. I love Carrie and I love Kim as well. But Carrie makes me feel so much different so much better. Its like we were meant for each other. I know that if I had met Carrie before Kim than I would of probably have been married with her instead of Kim. What would the world say if me and Carrie got together. I would cause so much damage to my kids... or would I?? I know Huck and Jasper love Carrie like if she was their mother. What would they think??"

Brad's phone rang, it was Bill his manager.

Bill: hey Brad sorry for calling you late but I got some bad news

Brad: what is it

Bill: your concert in Phoenix got cancelled, there are too many sandstorms going on right now so it was safer for the fans not to go

Brad: do they atleast get their money back

Bill: of course they will! Your next show isn't till 2 weeks in Seattle. So you got some vacation time. Don't worry about the flight I've took care of that already

Brad: vacation!!😃 perfect but before our tour ends we have to make a show in Phoenix, the fans deserve it

Bill: I've took care of that too. Your last show is in Nashville but a week before that will be in Phoenix. Well goodnight Brad

Brad: goodnight and don't wet the bed!!😂😂

Bill: asshole!!

Brad hung up and finally arrived home. He went in and found everybody sleeping already. He changed into some pajamas and went into the guest bedroom. Brad and Kim have been sleeping in separate beds ever since that big argument they had over a week ago. After a minutes of starring into the ceiling thinking of Carrie he finally dazed off and fell asleep.

Next Morning;

Carrie: Brad!!!

Brad: hello?

Carrie: I'm sorry did I wake you up??

Brad: its ok, what do you want weirdo😂😂

Carrie: your such a dork😂😂 um whats the address to your kids pedestrian again?? My appointment is at 11 but I lost the address.

Brad: um let me find it and I'll text it to you

Carrie: ok gracias!!!😂

Brad: your such a weirdo I swear!!😂😂

Carrie: have you landed??

Brad: actually my show got cancelled due to bad weather.. Im on vacation for 2 weeks!!

Carrie felt butterflies in her stomach because she knew that now she can see him whenever she needs help.

Carrie: well since Mike has like a 3 weeks of away games starting in 2 days.. I guess your vacation now has turned into babysitting.😂😂😂

Brad: um hell no Underwood!! Dream on😂

Carrie: im just joking... Wait do you really feel that way?😔

Brad: 😂 of course not!! Whenever you need help im only like 8.9 miles away!!😂

Carrie: 😂😂 ok well thank you! Bye Brad love ya

Brad: love you too Care!! Bye

Brad felt so good after he heard Carrie's voice. He suddenly felt so energetic. He ran to the kids room and woke them up.

Brad: boys!!! Get your fishing gear. We're leaving in an hour

Carrie pov
"Omg hearing Brad's voice just made my day. Why do I feel this way! This feeling that I've not felt since I had my first crush. Brad!! Brad!! Brad!! I cant live without you!"

Mike: ready??

Carrie: yea lets go.

They got into the car and took off.

Mike: did you get the address

Carrie: yea Brad texted it to me. Here its...bla bla bla

Later during the doctor visit..

Doctor: everything seems alright with the baby. I'll have the rest of the results tomorrow. I'll schedule the appointment at 1 in the afternoon. Is that ok

Carrie: yea its perfect

Doctor: oh and I wanted to ask you guys, why did you guys choose me as your pedestrian?

Carrie: oh I asked Brad.. Brad Paisley and he says your the best in town so yea thats why.

Doctor: oh well thats was real nice of him, tell him I said hi when you see him.

Mike: no problem. Thanks again bye

They left the clinic and got into the car. Carrie turned on the radio to some old hip/pop. "Dilemma" by Nelly and Kelly Rowland came on and she began to sing it.

Carrie: "I love you and I need you
Nelly, I love you, I do
Need you
No matter what I do
All I think about is you
Even when I'm with my boo
Boy, you know I'm crazy over you"

Suddenly she thought of Brad. When she sang "All I think about is you
Even when I'm with my boo
Boy, you know I'm crazy over you" Its true, when I'm with Mike all I think about is Brad.

Mike: oh shoot!!

Carrie: what is it?

Mike: I have a mandatory practice tomorrow.. I can't make it to the appointment with you

Carrie: are you serious Mike!!😠

Mike: Carrie I can't, if I miss it then they'll suspend me

Carrie: whats more important your family or hockey?

Mike didn't answer, he just stayed quiet. Carrie was furious, she didn't bother looking at Mike the entire time they drove home. She grabbed Isaiah from the car seat and took him to her bedroom. She laid with her baby with tears coming down her eyes. Mike didn't even bother saying sorry, he just turned on the tv in the living room. She wanted to call Brad but she knew that Mike would get mad. Suddenly she heard a glass bottle fall and break in the kitchen. She ignored it and fell asleep.
After a couple of hours she heard another glass bottle break, she finally got up slowly trying not to wake up the baby. She went to the kitchen and saw Mike drinking tequila, he was drunk.

Carrie: Mike stop!!!

Mike: shut up Bitch!!!

Carrie: get the hell out of my house now😡!!!

The baby started to cry.

Carrie: Mike get out!!!! ( pushing him out the front door)

Mike: fine!! You annoying bitch. Always crying!

Carrie locked all of the doors and ran back to the bedroom. She picked up Isaiah trying to calm him down. She couldn't handle it anymore so she called Brad.

Carrie: Brad!!😭😭😫(crying)

Brad: Care whats wrong??

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