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Brad: Care what wrong??

Carrie: its Mike! He's drunk!

Brad: did he hurt you?😡

Carrie: no I kicked him out!

Brad: lock the doors! Im on my way!

Carrie: but he's outside! He's not gonna let you come in!

Brad: let me call him but I'm still on my way.

Carrie: hurry Brad! My baby is crying and I'm scared.

Brad: don't worry!

Brad hanged up and dialed Mike's phone.

Mike: what!!!!

Brad: Mike whats going on with you.

Mike: Brad stay the hell out of it! It's none of your business!

Brad: I'm only trying to help. You need to stop drinking Mike! Its for the good of you and Carrie. You have a child now! Their the most important things in your life.

Mike: don't try to act like the Carrie's friend. Shes my wife not yours! You need to mind your own family and not mine.

Brad: Mike I'm just trying to help you!

Mike: oh shut the fuck up!!! Get out of our lives!

Brad hanged up the phone and raced to Carrie's house. He was expecting Mike to be outside and ready for a fight. But Brad would do anything for Carrie even put his own life to save her.

Brad finally got there and noticed that Mike's truck was gone. You could still see the marks from his truct speeding out the driveway. Brad got down and ran towards the door. He grabbed a spare key that Carrie had once gave him and opened the door. He locked it and screamed Carrie's name.

Carrie: Brad!! I'm over here!!

Carrie was in her bedroom laying on the bed hugging baby Isaiah.

Carrie: Brad!!!

She got up crying and ran to Brad jumping in his arms. Brad had one arm around her waist and another rubbing her back.

Carrie: did he hurt you(crying).

Brad: he truck was gone when I got here.

Carrie: thank god! I don't know what I would of done if he had done anything to you.

Brad: as long as he doesn't hurt you or Isaiah then I'm fine if he does something to me.

Carrie: no Brad! I swear if he ever does something the first thing I'm doing is calling the police!

She finally let go and laid back down with the baby. Brad sat on the other side of Isaiah starring at Carrie while she played with the baby.

Brad's pov:
"I swear if Mike ever hurts her or Isaiah I'll kill him! I can't let anything happen to her."

Carrie noticed Brad starring at her, "What so funny?"

Brad: nothing its just you and your baby are so beautiful together.

Carrie blushed and turned her face back to Isaiah. She grabbed Isaiah bottle and tried to make him fall asleep. After several minutes he kept crying.

Brad: here let me try.

She picked Isaiah and handed him over to Brad. Brad reached with his hands touching Carrie's. They stared at each other until she smiled and looked down. Brad cradled Isaiah against his arm and chest, rocking him back and forth, and singing. Carrie couldn't help not to cry, " Why can't Mike be like that! Brad your so perfect!" she thought.
Isaiah fell asleep in his arms, he didn't mind it until he felt his arms falling asleep too. He got up and put the baby inside his crib. Brad rested his arms on the end of the crib starring at Isaiah. Tears came down his eyes, "how can this baby grow up with a dad like Mike." he thought. Carrie stood up and leaned her head on Brad's shoulder. "Why are you crying?", she asked.

Brad: it's just that I can't imagine this baby growing up with a dad like Mike. I can't even imagine you living with him and me knowing that at any minute he could snap and hurt you.

Carrie began to get tears, knowing that what Brad just said was true. She can't live with him, she didn't want him near the baby especially if he's going to be drunk. She felt that Brad cared more for her than how Mike feels for her. "Why couldn't I have married Brad instead," she thought.

Carrie: Brad...

Before Carrie can finish what she was about to say Brad had cut her off.

Brad: Care I think I should go.

She was about to tell him her feelings but then her heart sank when she heard him say that. He turned and faced the door taking one step until he felt his arm get pulled back. Carrie had grabbed his wrist.

Carrie: don't go!

Brad smiled when he heard her say that.

Brad: it will be ok Care don't worry.

Carrie: Brad! I need you more than I've ever had before. Can you stay for the night.

Brad: he couldn't say no and he didn't want to either.

Brad: fine! I'll stay!

She smiled, "Lets head to the couch. We can have a movie night like we always have."

Brad: that sounds good

Carrie: let me grab a blanket while you set up a movie.

Brad headed towards the living room to put a movie in. After he did he laid on the couch. Carrie came with the blanket and sat in front of his thighs leaning against them. She covered herself with blanket and began to watch Halloween. After a couple minutes she was shivering of being cold and scared at the same time. They looked at each other and giggled. Brad then grabbed her left shoulder and pushed her down against him. They were laying down cuddled up with her back on his chest. She instantly felt warm through out her body. She felt so safe with his arms around her. She has never felt this way before even when Mike and her cuddled. Brad loved the way he felt, her hair's scent on his nose. He moves his hands to her waist and then her stomach. Carrie had her hands on his. After a couple minutes they fell asleep.

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