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Brad woke up to Carrie on him. He knew this was wrong but it was his heart wanted. He stood up slowly without trying to wake her up. He slid his sweats on and then gave her a kiss on the forehead. He then walked over to Isaiah and gave him a kiss as well. He walked out of the room but before he stood by the door starring at Carrie laying in her bed sleeping so peacefully. He thought she was the most beautiful person on earth.
Brad then walked towards a guest room where his kids were sleeping. He woke them up and then helped them into his truck. Brad then drove back home to shower.

Carrie woke up expecting to have Brad next to her but she was wrong. She felt sadness but then she imagined how she was last night sleeping next to him. She stood up and checked on her baby. She then walked into her bathroom and took a quick shower.

30 minutes later...

Carole: so Carrie how did you sleep??

Carrie: amazing!!😍😍 hey mom I have to show you something really cute.

Carole: what is it?

Carrie showed her the picture of Brad and Isaiah sleeping together.

Carrie: this was shortly after I gave birth. I asked him to watch him while I showered but then I came out to see him sleeping as well too. Isn't this so cute?!

Carol: it is!!

Carrie: I love the way Brad is with my baby! He literally acts like if it is his

Carol: Carrie you need to do something about Mike! You can't be living like this!

Carrie: I know mom but..

Carol: but nothing!! Do what your heart says!

Carrie: I know mom! Trust me I'll deal with it very soon!

Carol: well I got to go help your dad pack! Are you gonna take us to the airport?

Carrie: yes of course!! Remember we have to leave at 1pm so be ready.

Carol: we will!

They both stood up from the couch
and went upstairs. Carrie headed to her room where Isaiah was sleeping and Carol headed towards their room to pack.
Carrie grabbed Isaiah from the crib and rested him on her bed. He coughed a little but Carrie didn't really worried. She began to feed him some of the baby food she had prepped earlier. Isaiah giggled which caused Carrie to laugh.

"Mom!! Dad!!! We have to go now or we'll be late!!," Carrie screamed.

Carol: we're going!

They all jumped into Carrie's Tahoe and drove off to the airport.
Carrie gave them a hug and then left back home. Isaiah wouldn't stop coughing and Carrie was finally worried. She got really scared so she called Brad.

Carrie: Brad!!

Brad: whats wrong?

Carrie: I'm scared! Isaiah won't stop coughing.

Brad: does he have a fever?

Carrie: I don't think so! His forehead doesn't feel warm.

Brad: um stand him up or carry him but he has to be straight. Let him get some air and pat his back a little

Carrie: ok! I'll call you if anything happens!

She hung up and began to do what Brad had told her. It worked, after a few minutes he had stopped coughing and went back to sleep. Carrie fell asleep on her bed with Isaiah next to her.
After a few minutes she Was awoken by his coughs once again. She then saw blood coming out of his mouth. She immediately called the ambulance. 5 minutes later the ambulance arrived. She hopped in and rode with them all the way to Nashville where there is a hospital made just for children.

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